IANAP but, let me confuse you some more:
A vacuum is not the same as absolute nothingness. A vacuum just means the average energy is minimal (vacuum energy). In a vacuum particles suddenly exist out of nowhere and are usually annihilated shortly after. Google the Casimir effect. It is even possible that a stable particle forms, although very unlikely. Some go as far to theorize there is even a tiny chance something like a car suddenly forms out of nowhere (and even that this is how the big bang started).
A vacuum is not the same as absolute nothingness. A vacuum just means the average energy is minimal (vacuum energy). In a vacuum particles suddenly exist out of nowhere and are usually annihilated shortly after. Google the Casimir effect. It is even possible that a stable particle forms, although very unlikely. Some go as far to theorize there is even a tiny chance something like a car suddenly forms out of nowhere (and even that this is how the big bang started).