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Did Rage and 9-Volt+ abuse the rules?
(12-02-2014, 11:18 PM)Peeking Duck? Wrote:  Plare,

As far as I know there are no rules against backlobbing and mines are obviously legal as otherwise they'd be taken out of the game. As for Mind's behaviour during this prac I can't comment as I wasn't there. However, if he wasn't in a Jav, then his opponents should've been able to chase him down without too much bother.

This concludes this edition of The Peeking's Court,
Judge Duck presiding

I was in a weasel. Also, if you look at the damage stats, you can see that I caused 25k more damage than Odin who caused the most damage for their team. I was clearly attacking and going after kills. I don't know how people expect me to hold still when 3 pilots are attacking me, or expect me to plow into all 3 of them without any strategy.

I was moving and using obstacles to create opportunities, it was working because I scored 4 kills and that's when they opted to cheat.  Also, I think its hysterical that Plare brought up "backlobbing" as everyone in this game back lobs every day including him. It's part of the game, everyone does it. Trying to apply some elitist ideal that noone lives up to is an exercise of madness, not skill.

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RE: Did Rage and 9-Volt+ abuse the rules? - mindriot - 12-02-2014, 11:36 PM

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