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Season 37 Sign-Up - Gold Plated 20th Anniversary of Sniper Edition
Season 36 ends and The Dark wrest the ultimate podium position from Assassins. Backarrow win AML.

Season 37 will start at a date yet to be decided, although early opinions suggest earlier rather than later. All will be decided in due course. Have to sort out whether anything needs changing (usually consensus is that not too much be changed).

If you wish to advise that your team will or will not be returning, or if you are lodging a new team for Season 37, please advise Caerbannog or Caerbannog+. ?message is the preferred way to communicate this. You can instead ?message Nude For Satan or nude+ although I will essentially just pass the information on to Caer. You can of course post your intentions on this thread, but ?message to Caer is preferable.

At this point a team needs to have a minimum 8 rostered players to be considered as eligible. Last season's max was 14, use that as a guide for now. New teams also need to have a dedicated squad member to be given Council Representative status.

Season 36 squads which completed the season (11):
  • Assassins (Y)
  • Backarrow (Y)
  • Cosmic Rift
  • Critical Mass
  • The Dark (Y)
  • Dropships (X)
  • Llamas (Y)
  • StarFire Elite (Y)
  • Sterling
  • Symphony (Y)
Returning (7):
  • Assassins - confirmed by Mop
  • Backarrow - confirmed by Candyman
  • The Dark - confirmed by YELLOW HAMMER
  • Llamas - confirmed by Street Fighter
  • OUTLAWS - confirmed by KingNewbie
  • Starfire Elite - confirmed by Solar Hydro
  • Symphony - confirmed by Peeking Duck?
New squads (1):
  • Watchmen - confirmed by arc

Not returning (1):
  • Dropships - advised by Mighty Sven
One of the three most dangerous people in Subspace.

Messages In This Thread
Season 37 Sign-Up - Gold Plated 20th Anniversary of Sniper Edition - Nude For Satan - 02-24-2015, 04:34 AM

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