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S41 Round 7 Schedule
I've been continuing to work to optimize queries, etc. - the one on the front page of the pro league stats was very slow with the current configuration. I rewrote it today and it's much faster (like a a factor of 20x at least).

This was likely why you (Caer), had trouble accessing the scheduling page - try it again! Also this is probably the cause of slow bots that people have seen recently upon occasion (the problem didn't manifest until well into the month when there is more prac data for the old query to deal with).

I'm sure there are other problems lurking about (e.g Chaos-Bot still leaves once an hour) and I'll attend to them when I have time. Thanks for your patience, but mostly things on the new Bot server seem to be working fine. Again, let me know of any problems - please be as specific as you can. The lag issues that some people were seeing connecting to the game server seem to have been resolved (it was never the game server/host [if not everyone is having a problem then you know that it's not the game server/hosting facility] - based on the people that I helped to resolve their problems individual problems, it was a mostly local to them. With others [I think] there were some major backbone internet router issues between the US and Europe [and beyond] - now resolved).

Did I mention MASTER O'Chaos SATURDAY at  5pm ET? No? Ok then.


Messages In This Thread
S41 Round 7 Schedule - Caerbannog - 06-29-2017, 09:31 PM
RE: S41 Round 7 Schedule - hallucination - 06-30-2017, 01:11 AM
RE: S41 Round 7 Schedule - 7th - 06-30-2017, 03:22 PM
RE: S41 Round 7 Schedule - hallucination - 06-30-2017, 03:54 PM
RE: S41 Round 7 Schedule - hallucination - 06-30-2017, 10:02 PM

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