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Season 43 Premier League Signups
Since I cannot enter a team into pro league for season 42 (pre-season is way too important, gotta have it I don't think we could fly our ships straight without it), I am entering that team (team name to be determined, as whatever the fuck is chosen at the time), for season 43, assuming this shits still alive. If said team won't be allowed in because of whatever reason, despite a full seasons notice, we'll be returning as prior champions which are guaranteed a spot, perhaps Assassins, or Starseed, upon which a name change will instantly be made after entry.

All I want to do is play with people who aren't even freaking rostered. It helps the league. I love how that's a bad idea. Confused

Sadly the current regime will be remembered for one thing on it's current trajectory, killing the longest running MMO league in history. Well done. Oh, and promoting racism despite being in our 30's. ^5 x2

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Season 43 Premier League Signups - Three - 01-06-2018, 04:52 AM

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