09-08-2018, 03:05 PM
(09-08-2018, 12:05 PM)NadaI Wrote: I appreciate any contribution made towards ss community, so thnx for investing your time regarding the rankings.
Few points. I think Ozn was a step ahead of you with ranking players, including input from other players aswell, maybe he can pitch in. Also, this list is far from ”as accurate as it gets”. For bit more objective view I would suggest looking up game logs/stats/pro captains views specifically from last couple season playoffs games, instead of speccing stuff or figuring things out from pracs - that is, if people want to somehow apply rankings to the league in the future etc.
Few points. ozn rated explisive and rustball jae over legacy,
Logs for what? Bick and ojo rap lyrics ? Or specchat?
Only stats that is worth looking at js erate, but i wont rate by it due to norating being abused,
Pro caps? How about every cap in the league instead can make their own rating not just “pro caps” lookin at you peeking i know youre always watching , make rate
-player killer