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What are you doing Peeking?
Let me just preface this by saying I'm not convinced you have infallible proof that scag is a-virus. If you have nothing to hide, post your entire investigation - methods and findings. For this post I'll pretend you do have solid proof.

Regarding how you're handling the results, there are multiple levels of fuckery at play. You need to take a serious look at yourself and what you're doing.

Topic 1: Faulty assumptions

Knowledge of someone's identity doesn't put us at fault. Knowledge of the illegal action would. You assume (based off pure hearsay) that our team knew scag was a-virus and use that as justification for penalizing the team. There are so many problems with that:

1. It's impossible for us to know to who he is.
2. He never said he was a-virus at any point in time.
3. Even if we did know (which we didn't, we only suspected it), it wouldn't matter because what you're looking for is awareness of his illegal actions;
4. WE DO NOT KNOW THE EXACT DATES AND DURATIONS OF BANS HANDED OUT BY YOU AND HALLUCINATION. Thus, we thought a-virus' ban had run its duration and he opted to play under a new name. I shouldn't have to type this, but the general consesus is that players logged into the zone aren't banned.

Topic 2: Poor application of precedents

If you want to apply preceding penalties, you need to consider the totality of the cases, not just one detail. You should find a case where a team unknowingly registered a banned competitor and he played multiple games without anyone recognizing him. It doesn't happen. Not catching him immediately would be a legendary failure on the part of the league administration. Thats what you've accomplished here. Realistically a-v would never have been on the field because he wouldn't have been registered. Take accountability for your shortcomings.

Topic 3: Mismanagement

This could have been resolved quickly and with minimal damage. Your inability to identify him in a timely manner and your poor decision making blew the problem way out of proportion. You're handing out penalties for a problem which you are partially responsible for. It is your job as a league admin and sysop to check the eligibility of all players in your league at the beginning of the season and continually as they are added. Thats how it works in every zone in subspace. If you're too busy IRL to be the league admin, the answer is simple - dont be league admin anymore.

The league is now absolutely broken. Not because of scag or A-V, because of you.

You had 2 objectives:

1. Remove the supposedly banned player
2. Eliminate his impact on the league to maintain its integrity

But you screwed up #2. Surprised a lot of players and made them feel trolled, like they wasted their time and effort. Destroyed the standings and caused a shitshow resulting in SFE being in the pro finals. Everyone suffers now. TD will have the most meaningless participation trophy in SS history, winning the "pro" league finals vs arguably the worst team in the league. Your legacy as league admin will now be "the guy who put the final nail in the coffin."

You should have done the following:

Approach every team that played against scag and ask if they want to re-play the matches. If they do, you set it up (allowing only the players who were rostered at the time the match was played). If they dont, its obviously for good reason. I'm pretty sure (almost) none of the teams would want a rematch. Everyone would be happy, and the league's integrity would be preserved.

One more thing. Scag was recruited from SFE. Had we left him there, would you be making the same decisions now? I suspect we would never hear about this...

Topic 4: Dictatorship

Are you here to serve the community, or dictate the league according to your will? If the vast majority of the community has a problem with something you did, you probably did something wrong. Try being diplomatic. Stubbornly defending your terrible decisions doesn't make you a good leader. You now have a team boycotting the league and you dont see a problem with it. Whats more important here, the league, or your power over it?

Topic 5: Conflict of interest

If you skip to around 2:10 in the video below, we can see our beloved league admin saying some awful things about the community hes supposed to serve:

(Peeking+)> Seriously though, 95% of the remaining population in this zone are the dregs of human society
(Peeking+)> the sooner they're euthanized the better

And now, a couple months later, he's acting against the best interest of a community he wants dead. Shocking.

Please note: the fuckery is exponentially greater if there isn't solid proof. I hope there is. Waiting for it.

Messages In This Thread
What are you doing Peeking? - saiyan - 06-21-2019, 01:56 AM
RE: What are you doing Peeking? - Goildzy - 06-21-2019, 09:11 AM
RE: What are you doing Peeking? - Benji - 06-23-2019, 10:33 AM
RE: What are you doing Peeking? - p.k - 06-23-2019, 03:04 PM
RE: What are you doing Peeking? - Fake THC - 06-24-2019, 01:38 AM

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