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Lockdown League Season 1 - Draft League sign up and process
Next season we will be trying out a short round-robin draft. The details have been discussed in length by the Pro Council. Details can be found below:

Draft Teams and Process

-Each draft team will start with a captain.
-The draft time and date will be determined after the draft signup is complete
-The draft will be completed in the same manner as fantasy football drafts, thus requiring each captain's attendance on the date and time. 
-When the draft begins all captains will be placed into a random number generator to determine their draft turn.
-The first 2 picks by each team cannot be a player from the Captain’s previous squad.
--Example: For Ozn’s first 2 picks he cannot choose Euripedes.
--This also applies to players who didn’t play last season. (ie TVB and Kingnewbie can’t return and pick Legacy)
-Draft picks will go on until every player that signed up has been drafted
-Signups will end in round 5

4v4 Changes

There will be no changes to the 4v4 format. All rules from previous seasons apply.

(Winners of draft league will be placed at A1 in a new winners area to the right of the standard league winners)


Flex scheduling is available to teams that organize it. All games will be pre-loaded for Sunday at the standard times. If a team wants to flex schedule they must reach out to Grunster to request a time to play. That said, we have an opportunity whilst we're all in lockdown to increase match frequency if there is enough support. If not, we'll play at regular times on Sunday.


You must sign up with a known name. There will be no ringers or banned people trying to veil themselves. If you’re using an alias and claiming it’s your only name you will be alias checked and subsequently voted on by the Pro Council.

Sign Up

If you wish to participate in the draft sign up below. If you want to be a captain check the respective box.

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Lockdown League Season 1 - Draft League sign up and process - Peeking Duck? - 04-09-2020, 06:56 PM

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