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Draft League Season 2 Sign-Up
Draft League Season 2 Sign-Up

Sign up link here

Before I begin, I think a big thank you should go out to everyone for making this season a success. The feedback overall has been positive and we are trying to improve the league further in coming seasons. With that said, I would like to personally thank some of the key contributors to this season's success:

Ozn, who really was the instigator and main proponent behind draft league and also provided key insights and guidance based on his previous attempts at running a draft league. I think we all owe him a big thank you. Others who had a large role in making this work are Benji, Nadai, Captor, three, Street Fighter, and hedcase8, who all gave prescient input into making draft work well for everyone. Again, a big thank you to all of these guys - your help is very much appreciated.

Now, Draft Season 2 will have some small differences, but the most important one is this: There will be no late sign-ups. Period. Therefore, it is important to get the word out to everyone you know to sign up now. If you know people who used to play and might be interested in coming back, please inform them now, as there won't be facility to sign up after the new season begins. 

Also, in the sign up form is a selection for your perceived availability during the season. Please err on the side of caution when providing this information as captains may use it in making their selections during the draft. Lastly, our intention is have more teams next season, but that is largely determined by how many people sign up to play, so again, please get the word out by any means you can.

Sign up below, and hope to see you in game soon.

Sign up link here 


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Draft League Season 2 Sign-Up - Peeking Duck? - 07-12-2020, 10:05 PM

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