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Season 30 League structure and roster system
Season 30 League structure and roster system

We'll aim for about 14 squads.

We currently have 10 "real" squads. By a real squad I meant a squad with a roster that the captain has put together, ie. Assassins.

Draft squads will be composed of chaos / other zone people who signed up AND players from existing squads.

This is the only allowed double squad method for existing people. So no, you cannot form a B-squad with the same people to guarantee two games a weekend. Someone was confused about this.

The draft will happen _ONCE_. The same drafted rosters will stay together for the duration of the season. So no, you're not supposed to draft new players each weekend. Someone was confused about this.

Example 1: Mop runs Assassins, and is rostered on Assassins. Arctos drafts Mop for his Draft squad "Evil Platypi", Mop has to come up with a clever alias like Mop2 to roster on that squad, and that's it.

Mop cannot also play on The Dark.

Example 2: Nude For Satan is on the draft list, but not on a "real" squad. NFS is drafted, let's say to Arctos' squad. Nude For Satan could still be picked up by any captain to play for their "real" squad, but not another draft squad.

Example 3: mindriot is rostered on Mineshack, but is not drafted to a draft squad. Mindriot will be able to change his real squad later, until roster lock, but will not ever be able to join a draft squad during this season.

The schedule will look something like

Squad 1 vs. Squad 2. - mismatch

Squad 1 vs. Squad 3. - close match

Squad 1 vs. Draft 1.

Squad 1 vs. Squad 4. - mismatch

Squad 1 vs. Squad 5. - close match

Squad 1 vs. Draft 2.

I'll try to dictate which squads are on par with which other squads, possibly getting input from whoever I see online at the time I do all this. I'll split the schedule up in a way where draft games are a few weeks apart and you never play all the top 3 squads in a row.

This should make more sense than an alphabetical order, and should be as doable, I think.
[quote name='Caerbannog' timestamp='1310970131' post='276574']

Season 30 League structure and roster system

We'll aim for about 14 squads.

We currently have 10 "real" squads. By a real squad I meant a squad with a roster that the captain has put together, ie. Assassins.

Draft squads will be composed of chaos / other zone people who signed up AND players from existing squads.

This is the only allowed double squad method for existing people. So no, you cannot form a B-squad with the same people to guarantee two games a weekend. Someone was confused about this.

The draft will happen _ONCE_. The same drafted rosters will stay together for the duration of the season. So no, you're not supposed to draft new players each weekend. Someone was confused about this.

Example 1: Mop runs Assassins, and is rostered on Assassins. Arctos drafts Mop for his Draft squad "Evil Platypi", Mop has to come up with a clever alias like Mop2 to roster on that squad, and that's it.

Mop cannot also play on The Dark.

Example 2: Nude For Satan is on the draft list, but not on a "real" squad. NFS is drafted, let's say to Arctos' squad. Nude For Satan could still be picked up by any captain to play for their "real" squad, but not another draft squad.

Example 3: mindriot is rostered on Mineshack, but is not drafted to a draft squad. Mindriot will be able to change his real squad later, until roster lock, but will not ever be able to join a draft squad during this season.

The schedule will look something like

Squad 1 vs. Squad 2. - mismatch

Squad 1 vs. Squad 3. - close match

Squad 1 vs. Draft 1.

Squad 1 vs. Squad 4. - mismatch

Squad 1 vs. Squad 5. - close match

Squad 1 vs. Draft 2.

I'll try to dictate which squads are on par with which other squads, possibly getting input from whoever I see online at the time I do all this. I'll split the schedule up in a way where draft games are a few weeks apart and you never play all the top 3 squads in a row.

This should make more sense than an alphabetical order, and should be as doable, I think.


Looks pretty good. Let's hope people show up on their draft squads so we don't get no show weekends.
Any plans to fix/make a website which stores rosters and stats and such?

Any plans to implement a bot which allowes people to !signup draft <squad> or !signup league 30 etc?

Is hotsing an issue? Is time an issue?

What are the obstacles preventig these things from happening? Maybe if you share the problems with the community we will be able to find a solution or help you in some way.

I'm also planning on scheduling draft games mostly at 3pm, so the players on draft teams basically have a scheduled prac before their real game... that should help prevent no-shows, right?

[quote name='elf' timestamp='1311072101' post='276624']

Any plans to fix/make a website which stores rosters and stats and such?

Any plans to implement a bot which allowes people to !signup draft <squad> or !signup league 30 etc?

Is hotsing an issue? Is time an issue?

What are the obstacles preventig these things from happening? Maybe if you share the problems with the community we will be able to find a solution or help you in some way.


Well, the website exists. So the question is any plans to bring it back to share its information with the world. The answer is, yes, kind of.

Hosting is an issue, and is being either actively or passively looked into by Hallu / Polix, we're just leeching off chaos zone anyways. AFAIK the website, database and bots are hosted on the same server to keep the bot lag down. This is the way we'd prefer to keep it, setting this up externally usually takes money. Even more money if support is wanted for weekends, which is handy seeing as how our league always happens on Sundays. People donating is initially a great idea, but it all falls apart when the people who invest money start demanding things.

As for any bot changes, I haven't asked UL for any. A botban feature would be handy, a sign up feature or an automated league thing... well, maybe, yes, could be used. Requires setting up some extra DBs and I'd imagine quite a few lines or code.
It could help if players were looking to get match practice before their actual game with their squad (call it Team1)... It works if they have already practiced with (Team1) prior to this draft match but maybe players would rather practice with (Team1) during that hour prior to their match on (Team1) instead of playing with their draft team.

A lot of ifs and whats but it should be interesting to see how everything pans out.
[quote name='Caerbannog' timestamp='1311083512' post='276628']


I'm also planning on scheduling draft games mostly at 3pm, so the players on draft teams basically have a scheduled prac before their real game... that should help prevent no-shows, right?

[quote name='elf' timestamp='1311072101' post='276624']

Any plans to fix/make a website which stores rosters and stats and such?

Any plans to implement a bot which allowes people to !signup draft <squad> or !signup league 30 etc?

Is hotsing an issue? Is time an issue?

What are the obstacles preventig these things from happening? Maybe if you share the problems with the community we will be able to find a solution or help you in some way.


Well, the website exists. So the question is any plans to bring it back to share its information with the world. The answer is, yes, kind of.

Hosting is an issue, and is being either actively or passively looked into by Hallu / Polix, we're just leeching off chaos zone anyways. AFAIK the website, database and bots are hosted on the same server to keep the bot lag down. This is the way we'd prefer to keep it, setting this up externally usually takes money. Even more money if support is wanted for weekends, which is handy seeing as how our league always happens on Sundays. People donating is initially a great idea, but it all falls apart when the people who invest money start demanding things.

As for any bot changes, I haven't asked UL for any. A botban feature would be handy, a sign up feature or an automated league thing... well, maybe, yes, could be used. Requires setting up some extra DBs and I'd imagine quite a few lines or code.


Then make it clear that anyone donating will get nothing in return other than a website that works.

The website didn't require donations before, and we were hosted in Chaos before. Why does it require donations now?

If donations are required then you should try to canvas the community with a simple topic or zone msg checking for interest/contributions. I would happily donate for any costs relating to reinstating a website.

I know you hate hearing this, but UL/Someone in PB coded a league signup bot.. why not get in touch with them? If you can't be bothered or don't have the time, why not appoint a current staffer with the duty of doing this? I saw you promoted Surrey, get him to do it.

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