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DZ up for a week!
Dueling Zone makes its return! No reps, no greens, 1 mine, no bonuses, no ranks -- just pure, raw skillzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Streaks are turned on, and also, of course, stats count toward the reset!

Up for at least a week, then we'll return to the normal Chaos.

No flags, no fun beating up Demento.
No reps is so much better! Makes the game a ton more fun--in my opinion the rep, an item which a single player can hold multiple copies of and effects all players in the vicinity, is more than a tad overpowered!
I as a crap player actually do even worse in DZA settings but I like it much more because there's an opportunity to actually work out what the hell I'm doing wrong. Plus a good player will actually meet me for an exchange instead of just ignore me because even they feel there's more "honesty" about the fight, knowing that a couple of shit shots could get them into trouble against anyone.
One of the three most dangerous people in Subspace.
Terrible idea for a terrible zone, perfect fit.
bring DZA back
hallu, you should switch between dza and chaos settings every reset. 2 weeks chaos then 2 weeks dza. dza brings a lot of older players back and it seems a lot of other players enjoy it as well. Easier to get kills and such w/o items and anyone can kill anyone basically. simplicity is what keeps Trench wars going.
dz pub sucks imo. terrible idea. if you want to duel go and do a real duel. but some seem to enjoy it and I can use a break in destroying axe demento's spirit.


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