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17 years SS Tourney - BIG PRIZE MONEY
Hello everyone,


I have some pretty good news. One of the SS veterans (wishes to stay anonymous at this time), who still loves this game and has some extra money, has decided to donate $1000 to the 4v4 league in hope to attract people to play this game again and show that they are the best.


Full amount will be given to the winner of the league. It would start right after the season that starts on Feb 11<sup>th</sup> has ended (probably late May or July) and would be ran either as the new season or an independent league. This gives us enough time to advertise it (forums, in-game) and, also, enough time for pilots to get back to 4v4 practicing.


I have talked to several captains and they are all generally happy with the idea.

Not everything is organized yet, but here are some key rules.


In order to avoid stacking and have as many people and squads as possible, we would have 5 or max 6 man rosters. This way it’s easier for anyone to form a squad.


The avoid stacking part -> Captains would not roster just the best pilots they can find, they will also have to think about how active and reliable to show someone is. (i.e. Stacked team doesn’t show everyone vs. a weaker team -> the weaker team has a great chance to win the game.) In 2013, this would mean the league would be pretty interesting.


Another great thing is that 4v4 arenas would be full like in the old days, even on weekdays.


There is one condition. We will need at least 20 rosters for all this to happen. If there isn’t 20, it will not take place. Of course, double squadding is forbidden.


Please respond in this thread if you are interested. And send the link to people you think might be interested to participate in this.


Once we have the exact number of squads, we will know in which format the league will be held.


P.S. If it is a success, the person that is donating money will do it again.



COUNT ME OUT im not a whore i dont play for money!
6 man roster size is pretty small.  I'd say an 8 would be more realistic.  having two full lines just in case.  I know from being on outlaws/nguyens the starters usually always show, but on other squads that isn't the case.  I'd be game for playing for money, but 20 squads is probably unrealistic as well.  I could see 12-14 maybe.  

It is a generous donation and a nice idea.  There are some players (myself included) that can only show on Sundays every now and then (maybe 50%?).  We make sense to be included on a large roster that has extra room, but I doubt anyone would want us on a 6 (or even 8?) man roster.  If these inconsistent players don't play because they feel bad no-showing on a 6 man roster, it will be very difficult to get 20x6 players.

This should be bigger news



As I understand your want to do this;  I suggest you hold an open MAP competition first.  It's always good to be on your toes when making money;,,, not just playing with friends.  I suggest RANDOM MAPS be posted and people pick the onesto play on.  I will personally make one.  That way people donj't just circle around same areas or play the same way.  This is about.... ready...




Very cool idea. Thanks to whomever is making the generous donation. I'll make sure SFE and the Ballistics/NW guys see this Smile

plutorus bring back

Eek A Mouse
Block Head
Agent Steel
Floppy Protocol
Pimp 25
Death Threat
Ace High
Mac Man
Black Satin
A Du Kit
I can confirm that at least 2 of those guys have received an email from me today Wink


Awesome list, brings back tons of memories and nostalgia!



ive been playing when caer was still on that 100% cambodian breast milk freakin league ops im out...
Quote:6 man roster size is pretty small.  I'd say an 8 would be more realistic.  having two full lines just in case.  I know from being on outlaws/nguyens the starters usually always show, but on other squads that isn't the case.  I'd be game for playing for money, but 20 squads is probably unrealistic as well.  I could see 12-14 maybe.  
Quote:It is a generous donation and a nice idea.  There are some players (myself included) that can only show on Sundays every now and then (maybe 50%?).  We make sense to be included on a large roster that has extra room, but I doubt anyone would want us on a 6 (or even 8?) man roster.  If these inconsistent players don't play because they feel bad no-showing on a 6 man roster, it will be very difficult to get 20x6 players.
Exactly because of what u guys said, it will be max 6. This way anyone has a chance to reach the playoffs. Basically, if you have larger rosters, you can play the whole season with one line-up and then have completely different line-up in the finals. It wouldn't be fair if any team won it this way (league and prize).

With 6 man rosters, captains can have 4 top players, but I assume they will also pick 2 who may not be top, but are active and can be counted on to show every week.

The main idea is to get ppl back to SS and revive the 4v4 population.
With having only a 6 man roster you'd have a lot of no shows, 2v4's and 3v4s.  Yes, this would make some team that doesn't deserve playoffs make the playoffs. This would also disqualify a lot of teams due to no shows and the fact is there aren't very many people who are truly active.  From the squad I am on it doesn't matter, but for the league population as a whole it does matter.  I would rather played 4v4 than have a free win.  This is a game and we play this for fun.  No shows and any game with one man down is not fun.  I would rather no show.  I doubt that having small roster would encourage people to play.  If you have a problem with having people only play in playoffs and not regular season just do what most sports leagues do:  if you haven't played a certain number of regular season games you are disqualified to play playoffs.  

Part of that problem is the preset game times.  Is there a way for two squads to agree on a time and date to play?  Would a mod have to be present or could the bot handle it?

Donation from Axe Demento no doubt. Dirty money, kids in sweat shops I think.

Quote:Part of that problem is the preset game times.  Is there a way for two squads to agree on a time and date to play?  Would a mod have to be present or could the bot handle it?
Needs a mod and a game ID on the bot. Which at the moment I have to set.

However... if I were to set, say: FTNguyen vs. Assassins - January 1st, 3pm - system assigns it ID 123456. Then I set FTNguyen vs. Assassins - January 1st, 4pm - ID 123457 and so on...
Say I set these in advance for a few weeks of games, the !schedule gets completely whack and remains unchanged, but the games could be loaded at any time by any mod.

The scheduling thing requires administrator access to Simon's bot server and the 4v4 stats page that haunts it.
P.S. You would/will also make sure that everyone is on the same page regarding the league rules. Such simple things as "I lagged out 1 second after go" and match start times.
P.P.S. I really have no intention on handling any of that rules stuff. I can help schedule this. But if money is introduced, I don't want to be making any of the calls regarding its distribution. Everyone already whins plenty ehough when they don't feel like their chances to win money are being ruined.

7th, you said it, if you don't show, you won't make the playoffs. Also, if you don't show enough, you don't even deserve to make the playoffs.

It's designed to attract people to play it. Not necessarily the to play with the same people you are playing regular league.

I think you may be wrong about smaller roster not encouraging people to play. It seems like it is already working. League has gone from 6 squads to 10 or 11 in a matter of weeks. I can see pracs are going every day now.

This having a big prize money, the point is to have a league in which we will have 10 or more teams that can win, not just one or two.

Also, since regular league just got bigger, it won't finish until late June or start of July.
I've seen it numerous times. When squads begin to only show 2 or 3 players those regular players get mad and decide not to play anymore. so having a super small roster would kill this game.  


As for smaller roster encouraging people -- roster size is still 14 so that point doesn't make any sense.  Most of the squad have at least 10 people on their rosters.  What is encouraging people is the possibility of money and people with old squads are trying to bring back old vets to play.  There are probably other reasons, but roster size is not a reason.  


There will always be the top tier teams.  The population doesn't have enough active top players who like each other to make all the teams fair.

Yes, there will always be top tier teams. But we'd rather have 5 teams that can win than 2 teams that can win. I understand what you are saying, but this is a parallel league or a tourney.

If it has an effect on the regular league, it will only be a positive one (i.e. going from 6 to 10 squads in no time, mayeven be 12 with gods and nemeses). This is why we aren't concerned with no showing.
Count me in! I am available for almost anytime. I will show. Find me in ss to talk about adding me to ur roster.


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