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Plutorus + ufotable squad analysis/predictions part 1
Squad predictions and analysis for season #whateverthisis. We were lazy so it's in chat form and it went a surprisingly long time so we had to take it to a Part 2 to come later. All controversial opinions are courtesy of Plut so please message him if you feel disrespected. Hope you enjoy:



    ufotable> ok

    ufotable> hmmm

    ufotable> is there a list of squads somewhere

    Plutorus> ok


    Plutorus> im gonna use that

    Plutorus> should be up to date for the active squads for the most part

    ufotable> Ok lets start with Assassins

    ufotable> Looks like much the same roster as last season minus 3 and Ozn

    Plutorus> and rage, but he's prob afk

    ufotable> oh good call

    ufotable> Rage Sai Nacre and Dev/Mop/Sika/Kdak will probably be fine from a teamwork standpoint

    ufotable> It's easier to be grouped and have teamwork when you're pushing the other team all over the map

    ufotable> as evidenced in the finals against FTN last season

    ufotable> even with the prac disparity

    ufotable> How do you think they'll do this season?

    Plutorus> three, ozn and bhang are all big losses, but as long as they have the nacre/saiyan pairing, they have the surrounding cast to take my #1 ranking

    ufotable> oh I forgot bhang went to EGO

    ufotable> did you actually do some prep for this and rank the squads? now I feel unprepared

    Plutorus> I think we're in a league where you really need 2 elites to win, and nacre/saiyan fits the bill for them. I think nacre is the best player overall too

    Plutorus> backarrow next?

    ufotable> not done yet!

    Plutorus> kk

    ufotable> I'd also pick them as #1

    ufotable> though I'm not sure who's active and who's not

    ufotable> Does Jae even play anymore? I haven't seen Sika in months

    Plutorus> yeah, activity is a big key for them

    ufotable> Actives could just be Nacre, Sai, Mop, Dev and.... Seven/Penguin?

    ufotable> If you count coming in and saying "U LIFF" to be activity

    Plutorus> huge, I'd agree

    ufotable> Worst case scenario

    ufotable> lets say only Nacre, Sai, Dev and a random 4th are active this season

    ufotable> are they still #1?

    Plutorus> yes

    Plutorus> unless that 4th is penguin every single game, or important games

    ufotable> lol

    ufotable> you know he can bench 1000000 lbs 40x

    ufotable> don't underestimate

    ufotable> they're #1 for me too, even in that worst case

    Plutorus> bebebebebebeb

    ufotable> ok, BackArrow?

    ufotable> you're up first

    Plutorus> ok, backarrow has lost a few key members lately, in savage and fedu

    ufotable> That's right - I did see Sav hanging out with Llamas

    ufotable> actually, he played against us this past week Sad

    ufotable> Fedu is so solid in all aspects and makes the right play more often than not

    ufotable> big loss I agree

    Plutorus> not only loss from talent standpoint, which it is, but activity as well; savage and fedu are both active

    ufotable> Doesn't Sav kinda go in and out from an  activity standpoint?

    Plutorus> backarrow needs to recruit some people fast...or they are heavily reliant on a small core to show up every week

    ufotable> BackArrow is definitely one of the more active practicing squads

    ufotable> I see Tuna, Candy, Sabre, Plare, Arc, Jones, and Hook almost daily

    ufotable> 7 solid actives I think is more than most squads can say - not sure I agree on the aggressive need to recruit

    Plutorus> hmm, I havent seen Jones much.

    ufotable> maybe not so much lately hmm

    ufotable> so 6 actives

    Plutorus> sabre and plare seem iffy to me, although both are solid. Hook is probably a bit too tentative to hang with a faster paced game right now

    Plutorus> I see sabre and plare seldom, although they seem more active this week, agreed

    ufotable> I think you touch on an important point

    ufotable> The pace on those players vary wildly

    Plutorus> yea

    ufotable> Sabre does lag behind, not necessarily in terms of talent but in preferred pace

    ufotable> Their potential top 4 of Tuna/Arc/Plare/Sabre (or Candy) varies so much in speed

    Plutorus> its really true, I can see them having pacing issues

    ufotable> and that probably doesn't hurt them against lower level opponents, but starting with Llama level its a problem

    ufotable> That being said, significant veteran moxy on this squad

    Plutorus> one worry I have with a particular key vet is Arctos - he looks bored to me

    Plutorus> his top game is great, but does he care enough anymore?

    ufotable> Good observation - he's not nearly as strong as I remember

    ufotable> not even close

    ufotable> I think that question is the key to their season, how much does he want it?

    Plutorus> yeah agreed

    Plutorus> he can help tuna carry if he's 100%

    ufotable> I think they're only going to go as far as Tuna and Arc take them

    ufotable> Both in their primes - this is a fearsome squad

    Plutorus> definitely

    Plutorus> ok, beastfu?

    ufotable> the other thing I like about BA, no one dies for free

    ufotable> they force you to beat them

    ufotable> (or the bot to beat them)

    ufotable> ok Beastfu Smile

    ufotable> Speaking to GT, these are a lot of RL friends of his from LoL

    ufotable> with a couple of old faces like Unoid

    ufotable> what are your thoughts?

    Plutorus> I love that gold teeth started up a new squad for newer leaguers, but I worry they won't survive much longer.

    ufotable> I know they no showed this past Sunday

    ufotable> was it daylight savings or something else?

    Plutorus> I think it was

    ufotable> The roster is only 7 people so it's vital that everyone is active

    ufotable> SS CRIPS showed us it can be done Smile

    Plutorus> Bukkwild!!!

    ufotable> yes!

    ufotable> ok

    ufotable> quick aside

    ufotable> can you name one other guy on CRIPS?

    Plutorus> chronic and macksksksks

    ufotable> damn

    Plutorus> $

    ufotable> I couldn't come up with anyone Smile nice call

    ufotable> ok back to beastfu

    ufotable> I love that they're a new squad as well and the learning curve is going to be steeper this season for the new guys

    ufotable> .*steep

    ufotable> hope they stick around all season

    ufotable> and don't get too discouraged by the losing

    ufotable> because the losses are coming Sad

    Plutorus> yeah, they are going to struggle winning a single game

    ufotable> I've seen Rhino practicing a lot

    ufotable> he can play and has potential

    ufotable> Comb has played in league, GT has been around for ~15 years

    ufotable> Unoid has been around

    Plutorus> and then?

    ufotable> cann is a pubber right?

    ufotable> and I think I've seen spinning in pub?

    Plutorus> not sure, only recently saw him enter the scene. he's eager (which goes a long way) but will struggle to last for 10+ minutes I think

    Plutorus> gold teeth to be active, and they need to recruit more pilots now, today, tomorrow, immediately to pull this off. fill the roster

    ufotable> I think I played a late night 2v2 with cann against Tom Petty and another pubber

    ufotable> he has an offensive game, but survivability is an issue

    ufotable> I agree

    ufotable> we'll leave it off with that, they need 2 more active pilots

    Plutorus> yea

    Plutorus> btw, credit to gold teeth

    ufotable> yes

    ufotable> all credit to GT

    Plutorus> league needed a squad like this, and he did it

    ufotable> If even one of those new guys sticks

    ufotable> he'll have done more for the game than most

    Plutorus> yes

    ufotable> Critical Mass

    ufotable> You're up first as an ex-CM member

    Plutorus> Haha, great squad with Three and Ozn leading the way. I really enjoyed flying with them, and I've got them ranked as my #2 team overall

    ufotable> Whoa

    ufotable> ahead of OUTLAWS (rebranded FTN)?

    Plutorus> yep

    ufotable> wow lets explore that for a second

    ufotable> head to head, why do you think CM is better?

    Plutorus> I'm not sure how active Kingnewbie is anymore

    Plutorus> that would change the equation, but I havent seen him around

    ufotable> He suffered an injury a couple months ago right?

    Plutorus> yeah, he's recovering from an accident.

    ufotable> That could be tough you're right

    ufotable> If KN isn't active, I'd give the edge to CM as well

    Plutorus> CM is going to be aggressive

    Plutorus> I think three washes with bike

    Plutorus> both in my top 5 players, btw

    ufotable> I'd take 3 over bike because he plays a more important function within his team

    ufotable> hard to find a true #1 pilot that will create and force the action

    ufotable> .*harder

    ufotable> vs. an elite elite finisher and support pilot

    Plutorus> three definitely will force the action, yea

    ufotable> Since you've been a slut and have been on both squads

    Plutorus> they are both special players

    ufotable> I won't press you on that =P

    ufotable> you can be all middle of the road

    Plutorus> haha no its ok

    ufotable> Top 4 for CM? Smile

    Plutorus> I rate them about equally tbh, I think bike can force the action if needed

    Plutorus> I think in his mind tactically, he doesnt feel the need to. But I've seem him take over games when necessary

    ufotable> TVB's positioning is so strong as well, he's ALWAYS in the right place to make the play

    ufotable> and he doesn't miss on chances

    Plutorus> Top 4 for CM....three, ozn, antihuman and 7th/coarse/devious

    ufotable> I agree, I would take 3, Ozn, 7th, and Antihuman

    Plutorus> Jack is a favorite, I think he's a season or two removed from being a really big player

    Plutorus> if he sticks around

    ufotable> I haven't seen him in a couple months unfortunately

    ufotable> He was #1 in TW right?

    Plutorus> yea

    Plutorus> he was around last month

    Plutorus> alot

    ufotable> hope he sticks and keeps practicing hard

    ufotable> tremendous talent I agree

    Plutorus> but last seen more than 10 days ago

    Plutorus> maybe aliased

    ufotable> I don't trust coarse or Devious in big games

    ufotable> the talent is clearly there, but both have styles that don't feel solid to me

    ufotable> especially in a give and take championship type game where each death matters

    ufotable> I know you're friends with both so no comment is fine by you Smile

    Plutorus> im looking at outlaws roster

    Plutorus> I might change my rankings by the end of this log lol

    Plutorus> if KN is around, I'd clearly rank them higher

    ufotable> We'll get another chance to discuss that when we hit OUTLAWS

    ufotable> I'm also nervous if 3 tries to do too much

    ufotable> years ago when he used to bang his head against Assassins/Intrepid season after season (mad respect for that)

    ufotable> he received an unfair label of a choker because as talented as he is, he felt a need to make everything happen

    ufotable> If he takes early deaths in a playoff game, CM could be in trouble

    Plutorus> yes

    Plutorus> three is definitely key for CM

    ufotable> everyone else is repleacable for me other than 3

    ufotable> ready to move on?>

    Plutorus> ok, discombobulate next!

    Plutorus> hardest team to .roster?

    Plutorus> I can never spell it

    ufotable> Clearly the .roster difficulty champs

    ufotable> Solar has taken to calling them Disco Queens

    Plutorus> I like disco boobs even better!

    ufotable> oooh good call

    ufotable> Ok so

    ufotable> Who is Mclaren?

    Plutorus> good question. Not sure, but he's solid

    ufotable> dude can play

    ufotable> but he needs to stay out of lanc

    Plutorus> in our preseason game vs disco last sunday, they did a great job of using lanc and luring us to boxes

    Plutorus> my team is a little too new to 4v4 to really understand how bad of an idea that was

    ufotable> you mean bombs that bounce twice

    ufotable> in enclosed spaces?

    Plutorus> but time and again, they would trick us into heading down there

    ufotable> ya that's a recipe for trouble

    ufotable> Top 4?

    Plutorus> mindriot is playing fantastic lately

    ufotable> and how do you see them doing this season?

    Plutorus> mindriot, mclaren, rickdog and HMMM

    Plutorus> not sure who allelujah is

    Plutorus> I think they will do well, rickdog is really improving

    Plutorus> wahini is clearly the key

    Plutorus> you?

    ufotable> Wahini is old school Smile

    ufotable> I'd take MR, Mclaren, Pog, and Rick/Acid

    ufotable> I agree, Mindriot has shown dimensions lately, especially in a spider, that I didn't expect

    ufotable> he's absolutely key for his team

    ufotable> When pushing or in a fairly even game, I think they're fine

    ufotable> but no one on that roster is a strong team player to me and I worry for them in a game against an aggressive opponent

    Plutorus> I think they have a shot against teams like backarrow and ego

    ufotable> Hmmmm

    ufotable> how much of a shot

    Plutorus> providing mindriot continues to play at this level

    ufotable> I would give them a puncher's chance

    Plutorus> yeah, thats probably accurate

    Plutorus> agreed

    ufotable> by the way, am I crazy to think that BackArrow reminds me of Jon Fitch

    Plutorus> Jon Fitch! One of my fav mma fighters

    ufotable> mine too Smile

    Plutorus> I think he's the only MMA fighter I follow on twitter

    ufotable> lol

    Plutorus> and I LOVE that comparison

    Plutorus> backarrow tries to wear you down

    Plutorus> and win a decision

    ufotable> yup

    ufotable> they don't beat themselves, and keep grinding and grinding

    ufotable> reminds of every Fitch match in existence

    ufotable> ok back to Disco

    ufotable> where do you see them finishing this season?

    Plutorus> I see them battling it out with backarrow, ego, dropships, sfe

    ufotable> They beat SFE convincingly in preseason round 1

    Plutorus> you started Mfa :p but we'll get to that later

    ufotable> MR lured us into what felt like 30 bad spots

    Plutorus> they outmanaged us too last sunday, so maybe thats a strength for them. smart play

    ufotable> I see them finishing below BA and EGO, neck and neck with Dropships

    ufotable> ready to move on?

    Plutorus> ya, dropships next. All you Smile

    ufotable> After Dropships I need to get back to work and we'll take this to a part 2 later

    Plutorus> k

    ufotable> ok Dropships

    ufotable> interesting mix of Port Llast from last season

    ufotable> and Alpha Reunion

    ufotable> 4 captains on a squad with 10 people could be too much cooks in the kitchen

    ufotable> Who is really the captain

    ufotable> .*many not much

    Plutorus> sven/nude

    ufotable> I thought you were keeping out of this!

    Plutorus> im not sure why I have captain lol

    Plutorus> oops!

    ufotable> lol

    ufotable> Top 4 for me: Plut, Sven, Harm, suicidal dentist

    ufotable> with Pryde as key sub

    ufotable> any subs after that are going to have glaring holes in their game or in their experience

    ufotable> and I'm not sure how active sui is

    ufotable> he was always on and off for NW

    ufotable> and I haven't seen him in a week or two

    ufotable> With their top 5, I'd pick them to finish above Disco boobs

    ufotable> but that is probably the most compelling matchup of the season

    ufotable> (other than the 3 championship contenders of course)

    ufotable> rep, Hall, light all have strong potential

    ufotable> Light is an all arounder who needs more reps and dueling practice to sharpen up his game and ship control

    ufotable> Rep has good aim and control, but he and Hall both suffer from sometimes playing like they're in a duelbox or 2v2 box

    ufotable> and it's not the same game in 4v4

    ufotable> I think Sven is going to explode this season

    ufotable> the talent is there, he's driven as hell, and the improvement over the last 3 months has been exponential

    Plutorus> he just exploded reading that line

    ufotable> Sad

    Plutorus> oops! hi sven

    ufotable> Not sure who Harm is, but I know he's there in pracs I play against his team

    ufotable> he's a factor

    ufotable> Plut is above average in every aspects and a brilliant team player - not many pilots I'd want either on LL or playing in a key game. He's going to make the right decision and be in the right place

    ufotable> If the top pilots gel correctly and guys (SVEN) make the leap, I see them finishing above Disco and competing with BA and EGO.

    ufotable> last thoughts plut before we close this log and take it to a part 2?

    Plutorus> nope, great stuff. Later tonight?

    ufotable> not sure, we'll figure it out


ufotable> Pryde: best hair in league.

Clearly an oversight on my part. If I'd let Plut speak he certainly would have addressed that most salient of points.

"later tonight"



One of the three most dangerous people in Subspace.

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