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Ufotable's squad evaluation chat log - Part 2
<div>                 ufotable> ok</div>
<div>                 ufotable> so we're at EGO?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> we are...but before we start, I have to make a shoutout to McLaren</div>
<div>                 ufotable> wtf</div>
<div>                 ufotable> did he tell you who he was</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> not yet, I didnt ask either</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> McLaren - Though shall not question his lancaster!</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I don't know about giving him a shoutout then</div>
<div>                 ufotable> that's like me giving a shoutout to some dude at the gas station</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> True. Maybe I'll withhold the shoutout.</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> But you never know - first shoutouts, next sponsors</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> this thing could snowball</div>
<div>                 ufotable> hmmmmm</div>
<div>                 ufotable> good point</div>
<div>                 ufotable> ok</div>
<div>                 ufotable> EGO?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> EGO!</div>
<div>                 ufotable> wait</div>
<div>                 ufotable> why are they spelled in lowercase</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> understated return? perhaps its more mature, more elegant</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I like it</div>
<div>                 ufotable> the wine sipping version</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> yes</div>
<div>                 ufotable> ok go Smile</div>
<div>                 ufotable> first thoughts?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> So their ideal starting core is pretty solid</div>
<div>                 ufotable> bhang captor pseudo fedu?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> yeah</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> they recently added pempu</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> pempu played pretty well in aml finals last season</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Pempu naturally belongs on this squad</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Pempu and bhang top 5 laggy euros you don't want to gunduel?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> bhang obviously top shelf material</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> definitely</div>
<div>                 ufotable> ok Smile who are the other 3?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> storm is a vet, looked a bit inconsistent from what ive seen, but had some really nice pracs</div>
<div>                 ufotable> man</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I meant the laggy euro lineup</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> I don't think I've seen mystic cloud or jaakko around, leading me to think they need another pilot or 2</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> I probably agree with your 4</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I'm going with Sika, bhang, pempu, Dagger, Miner</div>
<div>                 ufotable> and I know Miner isn't a euro</div>
<div>                 ufotable> It should be called the Sika all stars</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> oh yea, I'm not interested in gundueling any of those guys</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I totally derailed this</div>
<div>                 ufotable> who is Mystic Cloud?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> unknown</div>
<div>                 ufotable> That's not Cloud right?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> nah, cloud would just use Cloud</div>
<div>                 ufotable> wait</div>
<div>                 ufotable> am I crazy</div>
<div>                 ufotable> or in Shiner's gallery was Cloud in a hawaiian shirt</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> let me go look</div>
<div>                 ufotable> lol Sad</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> this is important</div>
<div>                 Plutorus></div>
<div>                 Plutorus> no, he's got some kind of white polo thing happening</div>
<div>                 ufotable> damn totally missed on that one</div>
<div>                 ufotable> ok ok</div>
<div>                 ufotable> so</div>
<div>                 ufotable> after Pempu this team could be in trouble?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> they need like perfect attendance to have even 1 sub</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Have you seen Jaakko in the last 8 years?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> negative</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> ego had pilo rostered for a little while too</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I remember when bodyhunt was on this lineup</div>
<div>                 ufotable> hmmmmm</div>
<div>                 ufotable> so</div>
<div>                 ufotable> factoring in the lack of depth</div>
<div>                 ufotable> where do you see them ending up?</div>
<div>  No banner?  What's the B over there?  To find out, type !help ranks or !help bonus     Hit F1 to learn how to play.</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> ive got them in my backarrow/ego/dropships/sfe zone</div>
<div>                 ufotable> that's quite a range you just mentioned</div>
<div>                 ufotable> top 4 vs. top 4</div>
<div>                 ufotable> them or BA?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> It's like Chris Leben vs. Jon Fitch</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> arc is killing me on this one</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> if arctos is enjoying the game, BA</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> you?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> man I don't know</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> ok lets do it man vs man</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> bhang or tuna?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> (putting you on the spot lol)</div>
<div>                 ufotable> bhang</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> arc vs pseudo</div>
<div>                 ufotable> arc</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> captor vs plare</div>
<div>                 ufotable> captor</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> candy vs fedu</div>
<div>                 ufotable> fedu</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> ok, you just picked EGO</div>
<div>                 ufotable> hmmm</div>
<div>                 ufotable> what do you think?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> im not playing that game! lol</div>
<div>                 ufotable> lol wtf</div>
<div>                 ufotable> it's so close</div>
<div>                 ufotable> candy vs. fedu</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> it is close, agreed Smile</div>
<div>                 ufotable> captor vs. plare also a wash</div>
<div>                 ufotable> the depth is crucial though</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> what about the sub slot? Let's say pempu vs sabrewolf</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Jinxi over Pempu easily</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> man jinxi is pretty afk, I dunno</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I'd take him right now over pempu</div>
<div>                 ufotable> he's probably asleep</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I'd still take him</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> please send your complaints to</div>
<div>                 ufotable> When you've been captain of a championship level team</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> actually I have no idea if that is your real emial</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I don't think you ever lose that intellectual edge</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I do have a gmail account Sad</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> So I saw bona (jinxi) praccing, and was surprised. He looked very rusty. My mental image of Jinxi didnt match what I saw</div>
<div>                 ufotable> ok so</div>
<div>                 ufotable> right now</div>
<div>                 ufotable> your life on the line, two teams even</div>
<div>                 ufotable> sub coming in</div>
<div>                 ufotable> you'd take pempu over jinxi?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> too many factors</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> if I just need to save a slot, probably jinxi</div>
<div>                 ufotable> the only factor is your vagina Sad</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> but if I need to get a kill?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> TUFF</div>
<div>                 ufotable> bah</div>
<div>                 ufotable> FINE</div>
<div>                 ufotable> so we think pretty highly of EGO</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> yes</div>
<div>                 ufotable> any chance they can make a leap to the next class?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> top 4, can they challenge CM on a good day?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> I dont think so</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> they always have a shot, but CM has some killers</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I could see a 9-7 game</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> Three, Ozn, Antihuman*, 7th (*edited real name - plut)</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> just so strong</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I fear for pseudo in that game</div>
<div>                 ufotable> also, for the 2 people that still didn't know Antihuman* was on CM (*moar edit - plut)</div>
<div>                 ufotable> you just outed him</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> omg</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> maybe I'll edit that</div>
<div>                 ufotable> lol</div>
<div>                 ufotable> alright lets move on before you get in more trouble!</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> good idea</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> Llamas Next!</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Llamas have changed the most of any squad over the last 5 years in my opinion</div>
<div>                 ufotable> from a heavy defensive minded, limiting mistakes team</div>
<div>                 ufotable> to a solid offensive team</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Only Wado and Street were on the team 5 years ago</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Top 4?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> gosh, is cfl hungry? probably not</div>
<div>                 ufotable> whoa</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I totally missed that</div>
<div>                 ufotable> when did they pick up cfl?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> he's back, baby! totally underrated pilot</div>
<div>                 ufotable> ok so</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> however, my top 4 today would be ghostbuster17, savage, psyanide, and hed/pp/dagger</div>
<div>                 ufotable> do you think</div>
<div>                 ufotable> because of the family connection</div>
<div>                 ufotable> GB and Savage have a psychic connection?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> lol, my mind's eye likes to picture them sitting in the same room playing, barking coordinations and whatnot</div>
<div>                 ufotable> omg</div>
<div>                 ufotable> that would be out of control</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> full bunk-bed in the background</div>
<div>                 ufotable> except they'd have to do it with canadian accents</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> thats icing on the cake</div>
<div>                 ufotable> like, "great rep eh"</div>
<div>                 ufotable> ok so</div>
<div>                 ufotable> am I crazy or</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Legacy > cfl > CFK</div>
<div>                 ufotable> similar playstyles</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> hmm ur crazy</div>
<div>                 ufotable> nuts</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> I view CFK/PP/pez sort of the same</div>
<div>                 ufotable> oh totally disagree</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> they kind of swoop in from strange angles and try to pick you off</div>
<div>                 ufotable> ok ok we need to get back on topic</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I'm looking for a top 4</div>
<div>                 ufotable> could this team be too deep?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> lots of parity, potential for playtime issues?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> GB, hed, twist, psy, cfl, PP, Sav, Dagger</div>
<div>                 ufotable> all have cases for starting</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> yea</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I'd go GB, Sav, Dagger, PP</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> I like it</div>
<div>                 ufotable> good mix of playmaking, finishing, and teamplay</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> dagger is really tough</div>
<div>                 ufotable> totally agree</div>
<div>                 ufotable> all underrated team?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> with rage out of the picture, could he be the best spider in league?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> whoa</div>
<div>                 ufotable> you just went heavy with that one</div>
<div>                 ufotable> potentially yes</div>
<div>                 ufotable> It's past midnight and I can't mentally pull up other speiders</div>
<div>                 ufotable> .*spiders</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> barbarian</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> spring</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> uhhh</div>
<div>                 ufotable> MEDICUS</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> medicus!</div>
<div>                 ufotable> MEDI I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN YOU</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Tuna was annoying for the 2 weeks he played spider</div>
<div>  4 players needed for a 4v4 practice in ?go 4v4squad1 -Izar</div>
<div>                 ufotable> as was Ozn</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> so I pracced against a very strong llamas team recently</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Mindriot seems to be playing spider</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> it was ghost, savage, psyanide, twista I believe</div>
<div>                 ufotable> tough lineup to beat</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> was VERY impressed, I think I had a decent team too</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> but they beat us up pretty easily</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Can't be understated</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Llamas prac a lot</div>
<div>                 ufotable> and it shows</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> oh yeah, mindriot for spider too</div>
<div>                 ufotable> other teams talk about teamwork and chemistry</div>
<div>                 ufotable> they actually have it</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> yea</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> the problem is they cant get over the hump.</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Do they have a true #1 to elevate them?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> seems we're thinking the same thing</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> as Ozn pointed out, maybe ghostbuster17 can push them forward?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> I think its up to him</div>
<div>                 ufotable> The others are all 100% known quantities at this point</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> yea</div>
<div>                 ufotable> great players, but not ones that can take them to the next level</div>
<div>                 ufotable> GB I agree is their only hope</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> top they finish top 4?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Where do you see them against EGO or BA?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> I think llamas win</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> or I should say, favored</div>
<div>                 ufotable> even though we could agree that EGO would have the best player on the map?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> yes</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> I'm a big tunahead fan too</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I was about to mention that</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Arc/Tuna</div>
<div>                 ufotable> BA would also have the best player</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> one nice advantage llamas have</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> is that they have some real duelers</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> savage and psyanide can both bang</div>
<div>                 ufotable> GB as well</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> yes</div>
<div>                 ufotable> in a 3v3 or lower man game</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I do not want to face them</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> that gives them the confidence going into a match</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> they arent going to fear you</div>
<div>                 ufotable> great point</div>
<div>                 ufotable> top 4 hmmm</div>
<div>                 ufotable> they'd need to finish above TD</div>
<div>  Log file open: Part2biggie.txt</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> just finished this glass of wine, im ready to make this log more interesting</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I don't know if that's good or bad</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> time will tell! Ok, Outlaws?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> OUTLAWS</div>
<div>                 ufotable> you were on this team not long ago</div>
<div>                 ufotable> elephant in the room</div>
<div>                 ufotable> How active is KN?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> We also need to settle OUTLAWS vs. CM</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> Prior to Part 1 of this chat log, KN was a bit MIA</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> since then, I've seen him around, resulting in me changing my rankings a bit Tongue </div>
<div>                 ufotable> lol</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I see that our rankings are super thoughtful</div>
<div>  No banner?  What's the B over there?  To find out, type !help ranks or !help bonus     Hit F1 to learn how to play.</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> lol yes</div>
<div>                 ufotable> based on weeks/months/years of analysis</div>
<div>                 ufotable> and couldn't be swayed by 2 days of sample size</div>
<div>                 ufotable> and seeing a guy fly around</div>
<div>                 ufotable> excellent</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> So we just had preseason week 3 games</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> and Assassins seemed to need a non-team sub</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> to field 4? According to the logs anyway, I wasn't able to watch that match</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Assassins are like the Heat at this point</div>
<div>                 ufotable> why show up for regular season</div>
<div>                 ufotable> much less preseason</div>
<div>                 ufotable> they should draw straws to decide which 3 have to show for games in the regular season</div>
<div>                 ufotable> wait</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> I've taken a closer look at Outlaws</div>
<div>                 ufotable> wait</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> waiting</div>
<div>                 ufotable> seriously?!</div>
<div>                 ufotable> you're going there?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> who? what? where?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I thought your entire Assassins showing 3 thing</div>
<div>                 ufotable> was setting up for you saying that your completely arbitrary rankings now had OUTLAWS at #1</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> YES ITS TRUE</div>
<div>                 ufotable> OMG</div>
<div>                 ufotable> so</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> OUTLAWS #1!!!! They are now perched at the top of my rankings. </div>
<div>                 ufotable> based on one preseason game</div>
<div>                 ufotable> and seeing KN at the 7-11</div>
<div>                 ufotable> you now have moved OUTLAWS from #3 to #1</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> ufo, sometimes these things need to simmer until fully cooked</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> ive got this figured out now</div>
<div>                 ufotable> you know</div>
<div>                 ufotable> aren't you vegan?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> If you simmer vegetables too long</div>
<div>                 ufotable> they just get soggy</div>
<div>                 ufotable> FINE</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> SO</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Outlaws now #1 per Plut</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I think they're my #2 team</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> I've now got Outlaws 1, Assassins 2, CM 3</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> then llamas</div>
<div>                 ufotable> TD</div>
<div>                 ufotable> please direct green messages to Plutorus</div>
<div>                 ufotable> he also thinks your girlfriends are ugly</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> xoxo TD, you are The Darkhorse indeed at #5</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> nadai is one of my fav players</div>
<div>                 ufotable> WAit</div>
<div>                 ufotable> we'll get to them</div>
<div>                 ufotable> OUTLAWS</div>
<div>                 ufotable> top 4?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> KN Bike and?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> so outlaws added chronos, enforcer, krellin (is back), nine, danks</div>
<div>                 ufotable> so is chrono on outlaws or TD</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> dunno, he's on both rosters currently</div>
<div>                 ufotable> They lost 7th</div>
<div>                 ufotable> and Devious</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> my top 4 is bike, kn, legacy, krellin</div>
<div>                 ufotable> lets say, for sake of argument</div>
<div>                 ufotable> they do have rusty chrono</div>
<div>                 ufotable> stronger this season than last season?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> but their bench is super strong regardless of lineup...</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> id say stronger, yes</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> what do you think?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I don't see enf and chrono enough</div>
<div>                 ufotable> and 7th pracs every day</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I don't know if they added another starter necessarily</div>
<div>                 ufotable> but they certainly lost one</div>
<div>                 ufotable> If 7th is still on the team, isn't he the 4th over krellin in the top 4 you just listed?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> they didnt have krellin last season. and suicidal pracs aside, he can play</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> dunno, I love the way krellin plays</div>
<div>                 ufotable> dude</div>
<div>                 ufotable> you've had too many big macs</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> haha</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> veggie macs maybe!</div>
<div>                 ufotable> that sounds disgusting</div>
<div>                 ufotable> that would be like 3 buns</div>
<div>                 ufotable> and beans</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> lol, slightly anecdotal, I once went through a burger king drive through, and there was a veggie big mac that my friend ordered</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Burger King doesn't have big macs Sad</div>
<div>                 ufotable> are you actually american?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> it ended up being a regular big mac, minus the meat. just buns, ketchup, onions, pickles lol</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN</div>
<div>                 ufotable> FINE</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> im not a fast food expert</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> Port Llast?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> wait</div>
<div>                 ufotable> LOL</div>
<div>                 ufotable> was that your entire story?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> ye</div>
<div>                 ufotable> oh man</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> and btw, I only tell AMAZING stories</div>
<div>                 ufotable> clearly</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I give up</div>
<div>                 ufotable> last thing on OUTLAWS</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I really like Leg when he's pushing</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I don't like him as much when he needs to go backwards</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> thats a great point, he's far less effective in reverse, agree</div>
<div>                 ufotable> against Assassins, I think that really hurt them in the championship</div>
<div>                 ufotable> and I wonder how that will go this season</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> I cant argue</div>
<div>                 ufotable> against all be Assassins</div>
<div>                 ufotable> they'd be even odds at least to be mostly forward arrowing</div>
<div>                 ufotable> (All this is assuming KN is active, if not, all bets are off)</div>
<div>                 ufotable> but lets say they meet Assassins in the finals</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Do you still start KN, Bike, Leg, and Krel?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> vs nacre, saiyan, develop and mop?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> yes</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> I'd have to think about it. Mop is a different player than three</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> damage would be reduced in that slot pretty significantly</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> good question</div>
<div>                 ufotable> What bout Sika or kdak in Mops slot?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I guess my point is, I don't know - I'd probably go with a lineup of KN, Bike, Enf, and Barb</div>
<div>                 ufotable> just something to think about... what if they establish chemistry all season with a certain 4/5</div>
<div>                 ufotable> and have to change tactics in the finals/semis</div>
<div>                 ufotable> of course they're deep enough to do it</div>
<div>                 ufotable> but that elite teamwork that is their great advantage could be hurt in the process</div>
<div>                 ufotable> ready to move on?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> yeah, I think that covers outlaws, great team</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> oh wait</div>
<div>                 ufotable> agreed, amazing team</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> I just want to mention hibachi. He has been afk lately, but I think a good captain is very important to a squad, and he's a good captain. Hi hibachi!</div>
<div>                 ufotable> wtf</div>
<div>                 ufotable> we're not getting paid for this yet</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> was that a shoutout?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> or if you're getting paid</div>
<div>                 ufotable> you're not sharing</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Port Llast?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> Port Llast!</div>
<div>                 ufotable> YEAH</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I can't help but notice immediately</div>
<div>                 ufotable> that this team was much stronger last season</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> yeah, they lost a handful of key players</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> this squad has a different look and feel, and I do wish them the best</div>
<div>                 ufotable> A good thing is that almost everyone is active</div>
<div>                 ufotable> and practices regularly</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Seriel has improved greatly as a player over the last season+</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> yeah seriel can be dangerous, and he's another guy I wouldnt want to gunduel</div>
<div>                 ufotable> My top 4 would be Seriel, HG, THC, and Tweeg</div>
<div>                 ufotable> with Gutter and Mega as first and second sub</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> yeah, totally agree</div>
<div>                 ufotable> beyond weird that HG is on this roster</div>
<div>                 ufotable> did he get lost on the way to the bar?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> High Gain really is a legend of the league. He isn't in top form at the moment, but he's a key factor in how far Port Llast can go this season</div>
<div>                 ufotable> could not agree more</div>
<div>                 ufotable> their chances of elevation rest with him</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> yep</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> the loss of pempu definitely hurts</div>
<div>                 ufotable> This roster could do with more of his X-factor kind of crazy</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> yeah</div>
<div>                 ufotable> also</div>
<div>                 ufotable> shout out to Ninespike</div>
<div>                 ufotable> new player in league</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> NINESPIKE!</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I hope he sticks with it</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> me too, he's fun to have around</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> if obesity can regain his old form, he could be a factor too</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> but right now he looks pretty rusty, I think he'd admit</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Obe was a mainstay of secret for a long time</div>
<div>                 ufotable> sorry</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Nightwatch</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I always thought he was solid</div>
<div>                 ufotable> but the rust is palpable at this point</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> he was on skyrakers too back in the day. Obe was one of the first people I really looked up to, during my nascent days in Chaos</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Storytime with Plutorus</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> see, more AMAZING stories lol</div>
<div>                 ufotable> at least that one wasn't a cliff hanger</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I'm still waiting to find out what happened after your friend ordered the vege big mac</div>
<div>                 ufotable> OK</div>
<div>                 ufotable> so where do you think they finish?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> Does Port Llast have a chance at repeating as AML champs?</div>
<div>  No banner?  What's the B over there?  To find out, type !help ranks or !help bonus     Hit F1 to learn how to play.</div>
<div>                 ufotable> If HG regains form they have a chance</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> no pressure HG!</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> Ok, SFE?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> SFE!</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I'll be quiet for this one</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> So correct me if I'm wrong, but SFE is possibly the oldest active league squad?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> Solar Hydro really needs to be commended for the job he's done, year after year with Starfire Elite</div>
<div>  1 player needed for a 4v4 practice in ?go 4v4squad1 -Izar</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> imo, their current lineup is one of their best</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> Shikaa, ufotable, and Something Dutch are a great threesome</div>
<div>                 ufotable> SFE has been around since '97</div>
<div>                 ufotable> continuously</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> Amazing Smile</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> My problem with SFE, and their recruiting agents, is that they were unable to add a 4th great starter to the squad, to really push them forward</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> When I look at the rest of the lineup, I don't see the 4th puzzle piece that would transform SFE into a *really* dangerous squad.</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> That being said, its a great group of the nicest people in subspace. </div>
<div>                 Plutorus> koach is a nice addition, I think he's a very nice prospect</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> medicus is probably my choice for the 4th starting slot, but he seems fairly afk</div>
<div>                 ufotable> unfortunately, I thought we were Erating champs</div>
<div>                 ufotable> but Nude for Satan has a lower erating than Solar Sad</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> hehe</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> mfa often gets starts or important subs, but he doesn't prac much anymore</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> shikaa is one of my fav pilots, extremely solid play, and could probably play for any team he wanted</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> ufotable a cornerstone of this squad, a very solid pilot that uses a very cerebral style of play to outwit his opponents. Always solid teamwork and positioning</div>
<div>                 ufotable> YES</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I feel so good about myslf</div>
<div>                 ufotable> .*myself even</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> something dutch can be a force. He really hassled me in the AML final game last season, peppering me with emps all match long. Can overextend a bit sometimes, but overall a solid pilot that can hurt you</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> Allow myself to introduce...myself. I'm Austin Powers.</div>
<div>                 ufotable> wha</div>
<div>                 ufotable> where did that even come from</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I'm so confused</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> SFE is a team I root for, and I think they can hang at a very high level; just wish they could add or groom that 4th starter so we could see them reach their full potential</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> The Dark?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> yes I can tag back in!</div>
<div>                 ufotable> TD</div>
<div>                 ufotable> TD, Plut may not like or respect you</div>
<div>                 ufotable> but I do!</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> lies, I love TD!</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Who is YELLOW HAMMER?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> Everyone says its Jocker - I don't think so myself</div>
<div>                 ufotable> JOCKER is also on roster</div>
<div>                 ufotable> also</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Nebug = Benji?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> think so</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Any idea who swamp is?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> no, but swamp is good. Havent seen him in a long time though, unless he's aliased</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I agree</div>
<div>                 ufotable> swamp can play</div>
<div>                 ufotable> readers probably know who all these guys are</div>
<div>                 ufotable> and we're just too uncool</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> hah yea</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> top 4?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> everyone active, my top 4 would be chrono, blink, nadai, 9-Volt</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> thats a solid lineup</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> no monkk?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> or jocker?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> more realistically, it's probably blink, nadai, Benji, Monkk/JOCKER</div>
<div>                 ufotable> what do you think?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> they added someone named EAT LEAD LAMER on Sunday</div>
<div>                 ufotable> clearly a new player from chaos</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> hehe</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> we should start a rumor</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> isn't that Dacrath?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I like how you prefaced that with "we should start a rumor"</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Dacrath is a good guess though</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> yeah, flys just like him</div>
<div>                 ufotable> EAT LEAD LAMER is exactly the type of handle that fits his personality</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> I think its him.</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Dacrath really swings the balance of power</div>
<div>                 ufotable> especially if he abuses his 10 year old powers</div>
<div>                 ufotable> top to bottom, they have a lot of strong talent</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Nadai, blink, 9-volt, monkk, hammer, Miner (hanging out with his 20 maid harem), JOCKER, chrono, swamp, benji, dozz, dacrath, foul, Kane</div>
<div>                 ufotable> everyone can play</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> yes</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> no weak links</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> except inactivity</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> where is monkk lately?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Didn't 3 go on a drunken rampage against Monkk?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> yeah, monkk came back for that verbal duel, then left again</div>
<div>                 ufotable> either way</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I blame Dacrath</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> clearly</div>
<div>                 ufotable> so who do you think for top 4?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> realistically</div>
<div>                 ufotable> out of guys who will play actively this season</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> ok, monkk seems inactive and I think chronos is probably outlaws</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> and jocker is afk</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> or aliased</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> ill take nadai, blink, 9volt, benji</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> they have a ton of questions though</div>
<div>                 ufotable> When was the last time 9volt played in a league game?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> this roster just confuses me</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> I think 9v played a playoff game for TD last season?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I agree</div>
<div>                 ufotable> confusing roster</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> potentially could be VERY dangerous</div>
<div>                 ufotable> They could be contenders</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> but in a worst case scenario, I could see them having trouble fielding 4 too</div>
<div>                 ufotable> or the #5 seed</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Any chance they drop below 5?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> imo only due to inactivity</div>
<div>                 ufotable> yeah I have to agree</div>
<div>                 ufotable> bhang, captor, fedu, pseudo</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> I hope Mog joins them Smile</div>
<div>                 ufotable> against nadai, blink, 9, benji</div>
<div>                 ufotable> clear edge to TD</div>
<div>  1 player needed for a 4v4 practice in ?go 4v4squad1 -GhostBuster17</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> think so</div>
<div>                 ufotable> lol</div>
<div>  No banner?  What's the B over there?  To find out, type !help ranks or !help bonus     Hit F1 to learn how to play.</div>
<div>                 ufotable> If Mog joins them</div>
<div>                 ufotable> that just makes them more puzzling</div>
<div>                 ufotable> or rather</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> haha totally</div>
<div>                 ufotable> adds another inactive</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> they need POWER</div>
<div>                 ufotable> POWER</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> POWER</div>
<div>                 ufotable> seriously</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I don't think that's his only name</div>
<div>                 ufotable> also</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> I'm fading quick, my wine has worn off</div>
<div>                 ufotable> How is it 1.22AM</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> lol I know</div>
<div>                 ufotable> who's idea was this?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> oh man</div>
<div>                 ufotable> ok</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> Ok, any last thoughts on The Dark or this log before we wrap it up?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> Lets wrap up</div>
<div>                 ufotable> We'll be back to do playoff predicts later this season?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> do you want to pick a champ right now and one later?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> Sure</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I'm going with Assassins</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> I'll take outlaws</div>
<div>                 ufotable> ok we'll go out on this</div>
<div>                 ufotable> every season, one or more players change squads before roster lock</div>
<div>                 ufotable> and potentially swing the title</div>
<div>                 ufotable> we saw it last season</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> definitely</div>
<div>                 ufotable> who do you think could be that guy this season?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> again, I look at the nacre/saiyan combo</div>
<div>                 ufotable> which squad do you think they'd end up on?</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> if they have any issues fielding 4 each week, I could see them saying goodbye again</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> CM?</div>
<div>                 ufotable> I agree</div>
<div>                 ufotable> and CM is my pick too</div>
<div>                 ufotable> with TD as a distant second</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> yep, that was my other thought</div>
<div>                 ufotable> EAT LEAD LAMER is my pick</div>
<div>                 Plutorus> Hey, its hard to pick against Dacrath.</div>
<div>                 ufotable> to swing the title for Assassins</div>
<div>                 ufotable> ok, we're done Smile</div>
<div>                 ufotable> good times</div>
<div>         </div>


One of the three most dangerous people in Subspace.
I'll just leave this here

I'll just leave this here


You beat up on Storm and an Ego lineup without bhang. Impressive.

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Candyman" data-cid="289595" data-time="1395160997">
I'll just leave this here


You beat up on Storm and an Ego lineup without bhang. Impressive.



You went 1-6 in playoffs on a strong team, not so impressive.

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Ozn" data-cid="289596" data-time="1395167776">

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Candyman" data-cid="289595" data-time="1395160997">
I'll just leave this here


You beat up on Storm and an Ego lineup without bhang. Impressive.



You went 1-6 in playoffs on a strong team, not so impressive.



I'm flattered that you're calculating my k/d ratio out of context.


Are you talking about when Sika crippled our team by dying twice in under 10 minutes over and over?


I know you're still bitter that we kicked you from Requiem but it's widely known how much of a non-factor you are. Go ahead and continue to have delusions of grandeur and I will continue to crush you like I did a week ago.

Big Grin


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