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I'd probably fly this ship more regularly if the anti cost wasn't so ridiculous.  From 0 to 1700 nrg you're talking an additional 5-6 seconds if you're running anti.


I have a few different ideas on making this a little more balanced:


1.  Make it's rotation 270 (equal to that of the lancaster) and make the anti cost 110 instead.




2. Make it's rotation 280.




3. Take away stealth but give it free cloak.




4. Make its rotation 270 but its x-radar free.



Just some ideas i was throwing around.  Only other ship i think sucks worse is the javelin.  My ideas of a balanced ship set is that each ship has something unique but also has something that counters some advantage that one other ship has and/or is weak but has something that benefits the whole team.

I already posted a few threads about this, not enough has been done to improve those ships you mentioned. :/


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