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Move the zone.
As a prelude to what I'm about to say, let me first put forward that I like Hallu a Hell of a lot more than I like anyone from Trench Wars. He's been a good and constant friend to our league.

So, that being said, I shall bring forward the inevitable: consolidation. We are dying and stagnant. No one can reasonably deny it.

We are currently a subzone of Chaos. Sadly, Chaos is no more. It is functionally dead, the efforts of Hallu and his staff notwithstanding. So what to do? As they say, "When the Devil drives, needs must."

If it can be arranged, through whatever mean necessary, becoming a subzone of Trench is our best possible chance for survival. We CAN poach their population. It can be done. Hell, Symphony's entire roster is poached from other zones. Clowns, yes, but nothing a baseball bat and some persistence can't fix.

Complications? Tons. We'll probably have to submit to their goddamned res limit, which is really not much of an issue in the era of the resizer, but still. We'll probably surrender some autotonomy. Will you have to tone down your shit talk and racism? Very probably; I expect some of you to be net-banned. Pardon me if I don't weep over that. And lastly, they may see us as a threat, or worse, a non-entity, and not accept us at all. Still, the attempt should, nay, *must* be made.

I'd like to hear Hallu's thoughts on this, as well as his staff. I know full well what I'm asking of you, having run this league myself before.

TW has suffered the same population decline as every other zone. They have a billion robots, though, which artificially increases their stats. But any time I've popped in there in the past little while to see what's going on (during the 30 seconds I can stay connected before it boots me for resolution) the zone has seemed fairly dead. A pub going on, sure, and maybe javs, but that's it.

With that said, consolidation is probably the only way the game will survive another few years, but every zone needs to first get on ASSS instead of continuing to use severely outdated and limited server software.

After that's done, continuum could essentially be one game world, with tons of different arenas all operating independently.
Adept | Critical Mass
An excellent piece of fiction. Especially the part about Symphony's roster.
There's no one on that roster who I could not place flying a terrier in chaos pub 5-10 years ago. Except that one guy who flew a warbird.
Son, just don't.

(01-01-2015, 11:48 AM)Caerbannog Wrote:  An excellent piece of fiction. Especially the part about Symphony's roster.
There's no one on that roster who I could not place flying a terrier in chaos pub 5-10 years ago. Except that one guy who flew a warbird.

The only time I flew the terrier was when I was in Bananas in Pyjamas and we  flew in United League as the Terrier Terrors, all of us in terriers all of the time Smile Otherwise the ship of real men, the Lancaster!

We even have a working powerball running under this zone. Don't fucking go change anything - Do you actually think TW would support powerball ? lol We would lose about 20 players or more from the current playerbase, if powerball would be gone.

ps. HG, Why don't you go contact few quys from the past (Mushroom) etc, I would like to see back on again.

sigh, your idea is not good at all.
(01-01-2015, 03:01 PM)Gruntster Wrote:  
(01-01-2015, 11:48 AM)Caerbannog Wrote:  An excellent piece of fiction. Especially the part about Symphony's roster.
There's no one on that roster who I could not place flying a terrier in chaos pub 5-10 years ago. Except that one guy who flew a warbird.

The only time I flew the terrier was when I was in Bananas in Pyjamas and we  flew in United League as the Terrier Terrors, all of us in terriers all of the time Smile Otherwise the ship of real men, the Lancaster!

You don't count, you're not aliased.
Moved Three's and following posts to a new thread of their own "Reform The Zone" ( )

The two subjects are probably best debated individually, one being to move 4v4, the other being to rewrite it.

btw Cube was a good movie, Cypher and Nothing by the same director are also fun watches.
One of the three most dangerous people in Subspace.
Some questions:
- Is it actually possible to move the zone to TW? What mechanical difficulties would we have to look forward to?
- Has anyone asked the powers-that-be at TW as to whether they'd want you?
- How to manage a public arena that works off non-svs settings. Sure Chaos and 4v4 aren't the same settings, but TW is a very different beast altogether.
One of the three most dangerous people in Subspace.
i can answer this for everone

pros: being able to kill trench fags on svs
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