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Is it time to bring back forcecap arenas yet?
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There's really only 1 - 2 people who are abusing !cap, and I think .forcecap is too blunt a measure to deploy against these people. What I mean by that: the problem we had with .forcecap was people forcing cap away from people who legitimately should have had cap, so it'd be better to have some other solution that would deal with the 1-2 abusers *without* running into the old problem.

What other solution? I haven't thought enough about this, but a simple warning + ban after 3 times is one. People can always screenshot + get witnesses for those times when people try to abuse cap, and after 3 times of such screenshots + eyewitness testimony, the abuser should be banned.

(There's also the problem where people might go afk with cap in spec, but the bot can easily be fixed to prevent that.)
Leave as is, game is dead and pracs are mostly players who log on to play without squads lugg panny secede grunt etc (u know the list, youre part of every prac), no squads prac during weekday except ofcourse llama, maybe add it on Sundays
It's dead faster when secede claims captain in every arena and makes people leave because they don't want to play with him. Although, I don't care anymore.
secede delights in totally killing pracs.

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