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  S33 R12 Results, R13 Schedule
Posted by: Caerbannog - 05-07-2013, 03:59 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - No Replies

Standings after R12:

1    FTNguyen    11-1    97    0.491

2    Requiem    11-1    82    0.516

3    Nuke    9-3    68    0.486

4    Sterling    9-1    43    0.53

5    Assassins    7-5    44    0.497

6    Rebels    7-5    18    0.51

7    Llamas    7-5    11    0.511

8    Gods    3-9    -44    0.527

9    Alpha Reunion    3-9    -81    0.535

10    ReDS    2-2    8    0.495

11    Unhallowed    2-10    -48    0.535

12    StarFire Elite    1-11    -83    0.524

13    BYE Round    0-2    -24    0.416

14    Shocktech    0-8    -91    0.524

Results for Round 12:

5/5 3:37 pm    Requiem     def     Rebels    12-2    log

5/5 3:33 pm    Sterling     def     Gods    12-2    log

5/5 3:28 pm    Nuke     def     StarFire Elite    12-1    log

5/5 3:05 pm    Llamas     def     ReDS    6-5    log

5/5 2:35 pm    FTNguyen     def     Unhallowed    12-2    log

5/5 2:10 pm    Assassins     def     Alpha Reunion    12-0    log - no show

Most of the match logs are not related to the matches themselves so getting any info out of them is tricky.

Sika statwhored for Requiem with 7-1 and 6 FR, Rebels haven't been doing too great as of late. Maybe they'll step it up for the (aml?) playoffs.

Sterling beat Gods, who still fly all sorts of funny ships.

Nuke beat SFE 12-1

Llamas ReDS was the highlight of the round. A close game with a team kill in the overtime finish. Good stuff. I do believe ReDS either had their fullsub used on a deathsub, or had the sub lagging out after subbing in... or both.

Unhallowed were nowhere to be found until match time. Valiant effort, but no. The highlight of this game was clearly me genius play of forcing Cycl0ne to run past a door, thus door warping him into a bomb I had fired into the orbit about 40 seconds before.

AR no-showed. One more and we'll have BYE Round again..


Assassins vs. Unhallowed -- 115557

Nuke vs. Requiem -- 115558

Rebels vs. Sterling -- 115559


Alpha Reunion vs. Gods -- 115560

FTNguyen vs. ReDS -- 115561

Llamas vs. StarFire Elite -- 115562

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  S33 R12 Schedule, R11 recap
Posted by: Caerbannog - 05-01-2013, 01:22 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - No Replies

Standings after half the season:

1    FTNguyen    10-1    87    0.507

2    Requiem    10-1    72    0.507

3    Nuke    8-3    57    0.507

4    Sterling    8-1    33    0.552

5    Rebels    7-4    28    0.476

6    Assassins    6-5    32    0.507

7    Llamas    6-5    10    0.507

8    Gods    3-8    -34    0.504

9    Alpha Reunion    3-8    -69    0.535

10    ReDS    2-1    9    0.49

11    Unhallowed    2-9    -38    0.507

12    StarFire Elite    1-10    -72    0.507

13    BYE Round    0-2    -24    0.427

14    Shocktech    0-8    -91    0.516

Results for Round 11:

4/28 3:54 pm    ReDS     def     Gods    12-7    log

4/28 3:48 pm    Nuke     def     Assassins    12-6    log

4/28 3:34 pm    Sterling     def     StarFire Elite    12-3    log

4/28 2:35 pm    Rebels     def     Unhallowed    12-4    log

4/28 2:33 pm    FTNguyen     def     Llamas    12-2    log

4/28 2:19 pm    Requiem     def     Alpha Reunion    12-1    log

ReDS vs. Gods was pretty even during the few minutes of it I saw. Pog was 0-2 fast, managed to hold on for long enough to ReDS work their magic and get the win. Well, he was still first out, but don't tell anyone.

Assassins had a decent line-up in to start vs. Nuke, but traxx managed to lag out and was replaced by mr. penisguin. He then pretended to be a bee, but floated around nothing like a butterfly and his stings weren't bee-like either. First out, 1-3, ggwpnoreyoloswag.

Sterling 12-3'd SFE, maimer was not rewarded with any kills while forcing 8 repels.

Unhallowed continues on their quest to be the most randomly performing squad. They lost to Rebels 12-4 and it doesn't even look like it was much of a fight. Rebels all have a trillion forced repels and 4 wasted total.

Llamas kind of messed up somewhere along the way, giving Nguyens a four kill lead by 6:48, with one player on their last life. By 13:35 this player is out, and the score 7-1. Apparently we even had hibachi "play".

Requiem probably ran away and lobbed vs. the two players that showed up for Alpha Reunion. Regardless, Requiem gets the 12-1 credit win.


Alpha Reunion vs. Assassins -- 115282

FTNguyen vs. Unhallowed -- 115283

Llamas vs. ReDS -- 115284


Rebels vs. Requiem -- 115285

Gods vs. Sterling -- 115286

StarFire Elite vs. Nuke -- 115287

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  Epic practice log
Posted by: Odin - 04-27-2013, 05:46 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (2)

Uh, apparently attach did not work!


Smackdown kb Liar -- Assist by: saiyan
  Smackdown is OUT! - [11:44]
  Score: 12-7 Freq 200 -- [3v1]
  Final Score: 12-7 Freq 200 wins -- Game Time: 11:44
  | F 200: Freq 200  Ki/De TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG |    W-L   |   Ki/De  |  Rat TRat ERat |
  | Liar              5/ 1  0  1  0  1  3  1   2  1 11:36 |  16905/ 15050  52% |  31   9 |    8-26  |   50/57  |  +23  633  928 |
  | D.D.              1/ 3  0  0  0  1  1  2   6  1 10:29 |  10739/ 25325  29% |  17  14 |    1-3   |    2/12  |   -8  459  912 |
  | saiyan            2/ 2  0  1  1  3  8  1   2  0 11:35 |  37249/ 23607  61% |  75  20 |   80-35  |  338/201 |    0 1280 1854 |
  | Nacre             4/ 1  0  1  2  4  5  0   0  0 11:32 |  32468/ 19458  62% |  66  22 |   71-53  |  291/266 |  +20  921 1611 |
  | TOTAL:           12/ 7  0  3  3  9 17  4  10  2       |  97361/ 83440      |  51  15 |  160-117 |  681/536 |   +8  823 1326 |
  | F 100: Freq 100  Ki/De TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG |    W-L   |   Ki/De  |  Rat TRat ERat |
  | JOCKER            2/ 3  0  0  1  1  1  2   5  0  8:39 |  17865/ 23415  43% |  72  19 |   97-59  |  410/360 |  -17  776 1606 |
  | Parabola          1/ 3  0  0  0  2  4  1   3  1 10:56 |  18126/ 29839  37% |  58  13 |  100-100 |  396/464 |   +4  788 1151 |
  | Smackdown         2/ 3  0  0  1  1  1  1   2  1 11:39 |  21160/ 27694  43% |  50  17 |   34-73  |  210/242 |   +2  924  938 |
  | SiLeNT STaLKeR    2/ 3  0  0  0  1  2  0   4  6  9:55 |  17889/ 21750  45% |  39  15 |   11-48  |   57/140 |  +13  374  624 |
  | TOTAL:            7/12  0  0  2  5  8  4  14  8       |  75040/102698      |  52  16 |  242-280 | 1073/1206|    0  715 1078 |
  Stats for this game can be viewed at: http://stats.svszone.com/?page=Game&id=115063
  MVP: Liar (+23)      -- Runner Up: Nacre (+20)
  LVP: JOCKER (-17)      -- Runner Up: D.D. (-8)
  Grifter has 15 seconds to claim their captain spot.
       Nacre> YES
     Grifter> !claim
  Grifter is the new captain for freq 100
     Grifter> um
     Grifter> 3 to 100
  Something > !cap
     Grifter> !rdy
  Freq 100 is ready. Game will start when all teams are ready.
      JOCKER> rdy up
    Parabola> i am warmed up now
        Liar> !ready
  Starting in 10 seconds...
    Parabola> not completely awaken
       Nacre> parabola is lubed up now he said
    Parabola> but close
T DZ-4v4-Bot> Odds to win: Freq 100 (35%), Freq 200 (65%). Use /!predict 100 (Grifter) or /!predict 200 (Liar) during the first 2 minutes to bet on a team to win.
    Parabola> i will show you whos lubed up
      JOCKER> .items
    Parabola> .items
  SiLeNT STa> .cap
  SiLeNT STa> .predict 200
    Parabola> .items
  saiyan kb Parabola -- Assist by: JOCKER
  saiyan has 2 lives remaining - [1:49]
  Score: 1-0 Freq 100 -- [4v4]
    Parabola> and its him
      saiyan> aimed
    Parabola> lool
      saiyan> i bet
      JOCKER> ya
     Cycl0ne> .cap
T DZ-4v4-Bot> Predicting Freq 200 to win: SiLeNT STaLKeR
  JOCKER kb Liar -- Assist by: Nacre
  JOCKER has 2 lives remaining - [2:01]
  Score: 1-1 TIED -- [4v4]
      JOCKER> backlobbers
      JOCKER> .....
      JOCKER> I take it
      JOCKER> .items
       Nacre> repers
        Liar> i could just as easily call you a bomb plow
      JOCKER> :)
      JOCKER> ya
  Parabola kb D.D. -- Assist by: Nacre
  Parabola has 2 lives remaining - [2:42]
  Score: 2-1 Freq 200 -- [4v4]
       Nacre> haha
    Parabola> oosp
    Parabola> i am blind
  Nacre kb JOCKER
  Nacre has 2 lives remaining - [3:17]
  Score: 2-2 TIED -- [4v4]
    Parabola> fr
       Nacre> lol
    Parabola> fd
      JOCKER> haha
  JOCKER kb saiyan -- Assist by: D.D.
  JOCKER has 1 life remaining - [3:22]
  Score: 3-2 Freq 200 -- [4v4]
    Parabola> .items
      JOCKER> omg
      JOCKER> typing
       Nacre> i could have repped again
      JOCKER> :(
       Nacre> i ran out of energy shooting everyone
      JOCKER> ya
  Smackdown kb Nacre
  Smackdown has 2 lives remaining - [3:41]
  Score: 4-2 Freq 200 -- [4v4]
      JOCKER> .items
  JOCKER kb Liar -- Assist by: D.D.
  JOCKER is OUT! - [4:49]
  Score: 5-2 Freq 200 -- [4v3]
      JOCKER> unbelievable
  SiLeNT STa> Jocker good 2day!
       Nacre> parabola
    Parabola> .restart
       Nacre> would you like to discuss the terms of your surrender?
     Grifter> end or restart i dont care
  Freq 100 has requested to end the game. Game will end when both teams agree to end.
    Parabola> hahah
     Grifter> restart
  Freq 100 has requested to restart the game. Game will restart when both teams agree to restart.
     Grifter> end
     Grifter> oh
    Parabola> let
    Parabola> the tersm are
     Grifter> lol
       Nacre> nice lag?
       Nacre> lol
        Liar> teams says wait till we have 8 kills
    Parabola> no
       Nacre> i totally raped you while you were typing lol
    Parabola> the terms are, i get to win in a couple of duels. then i spec.
    Parabola> prepare your weapon
       Nacre> unconditional surrender?
       Nacre> ft
  Nacre kb Parabola
  Nacre has 1 life remaining - [6:29]
  Score: 5-3 Freq 200 -- [4v3]
       Nacre> NO
       Nacre> lol
  Grifter kb Liar -- Assist by: saiyan
  Grifter has 2 lives remaining - [6:40]
  Score: 6-3 Freq 200 -- [4v3]
  Parabola kb Nacre -- Assist by: saiyan
  Parabola has 1 life remaining - [7:51]
  Score: 7-3 Freq 200 -- [4v3]
  Liar kb Smackdown
  Liar has 2 lives remaining - [7:52]
  Score: 7-4 Freq 200 -- [4v3]
    Parabola> TO BATTLE
    Parabola> .items
       Nacre> fr
    Parabola> sec
    Parabola> charging
    Parabola> :)
       Nacre> ft
  Nacre kb Liar [TEAMKILL] -- Assist by: Smackdown
  Nacre is OUT! - [8:49]
  Score: 7-5 Freq 200 -- [3v3]
       Nacre> LOL
    Parabola> yes
  Something > lol
       Nacre> WHAT
    Parabola> you lost the battle
      JOCKER> .items
       Nacre> there was a traitor amongst us
      JOCKER> he might win the war though
  saiyan kb Grifter -- Assist by: Smackdown
  saiyan has 1 life remaining - [9:36]
  Score: 7-6 Freq 200 -- [3v3]
      saiyan> laff
  saiyan changes ships.
       nismo> !cap
       Nacre> grifter you have to believe in yourlse
       Nacre> yourself
      JOCKER> .items
        Odin> what the fuck
        Odin> seriously, how can two DVD RW drives fail at once
  Smackdown kb saiyan -- Assist by: D.D.
  Smackdown has 1 life remaining - [11:23]
  Score: 8-6 Freq 200 -- [3v3]
       Nacre> maybe it's the user
        Liar> ^^
        Odin> no dickwad
       Nacre> OH I GOT YOU GOOD ODIN
  SiLeNT STa> saiyan for the laggout
  SiLeNT STa> .......
      Savage> !cap
        Odin> two different machines, one fails to write properly (cds come out corrupted) the other machine I just realized the drive si completely dead
      Savage> :(
        Liar> .items
        Odin> time for a trip to frys
  Need pilots to duel in ?go duel - Savage
  saiyan kb Grifter -- Assist by: Parabola
  saiyan is OUT! - [13:10]
  Score: 8-7 Freq 200 -- [2v3]
      JOCKER> .items
       Nacre> we wish to discuss terms of surrender
    Parabola> lol
      JOCKER> my team didnt need me to win woohoo
      JOCKER> im a nonfactor
      JOCKER> $
  Grifter kb Liar -- Assist by: D.D.
  Grifter has 1 life remaining - [13:29]
  Score: 9-7 Freq 200 -- [2v3]
  D.D. kb Smackdown -- Assist by: Grifter
  D.D. has 2 lives remaining - [13:30]
  Score: 9-8 Freq 200 -- [2v3]
    Parabola> .items
       Nacre> we wish to discuss a rematch
     Grifter> rematch
      JOCKER> .items
     Grifter> oh
     Grifter> i thought it was a command
  Something > objection
        Odin> grifter is the new 600 lbs gorilla of this game
      Savage> I WANT TO PLAY :(
  Something > !showline
      JOCKER> .items
        Liar> !end
  Freq 200 has requested to end the game. Game will end when both teams agree to end.
  Final Score: 9-8 Freq 200 wins -- Game Time: 14:51
  | F 200: Freq 200  Ki/De TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG |    W-L   |   Ki/De  |  Rat TRat ERat |
  | Liar              4/ 1  1  0  0  0  5  0   2  1 14:47 |  25515/ 26152  49% |  39  14 |    9-26  |   54/58  |  +21  654  938 |
  | D.D.              1/ 1  0  0  0  4  1  0   0  0 14:47 |  13461/ 35419  27% |  25  11 |    2-3   |    3/13  |  +10  469  922 |
  | saiyan            2/ 3  0  0  0  2  5  0   5  1 13:07 |  30303/ 35263  46% |  61  14 |   81-35  |  340/204 |  -12 1268 1864 |
  | Nacre             2/ 3  0  0  1  2  4  3   5  1  8:47 |  26720/ 23736  52% |  85  21 |   72-53  |  293/269 |   -1  920 1621 |
  | TOTAL:            9/ 8  1  0  1  8 15  3  12  3       |  95999/120570      |  52  14 |  164-117 |  690/544 |   +4  827 1336 |
  | F 100: Freq 100  Ki/De TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG |    W-L   |   Ki/De  |  Rat TRat ERat |
  | JOCKER            1/ 3  0  0  1  1  0  3   6  1  4:49 |   9782/ 16665  36% |  66  24 |   97-60  |  411/363 |  -35  741 1596 |
  | Parabola          2/ 2  0  0  1  1  6  0   3  1 14:47 |  27903/ 33439  45% |  57  27 |  100-101 |  398/466 |  +12  800 1141 |
  | Smackdown         2/ 2  0  0  1  2  2  0   3  0 14:47 |  35133/ 22588  60% |  63  20 |   34-74  |  212/244 |   +2  926  928 |
  | Grifter           2/ 2  0  0  0  1  5  0   5  1 14:47 |  38834/ 29306  56% |  65  26 |    8-9   |   38/39  |  +21  568 1188 |
  | TOTAL:            8/ 9  0  0  3  5 13  3  17  3       | 111652/101998      |  62  24 |  239-244 | 1059/1112|    0  758 1212 |
  Stats for this game can be viewed at: http://stats.svszone.com/?page=Game&id=115064
  MVP: Liar (+21)      -- Runner Up: Grifter (+21)
  LVP: JOCKER (-35)      -- Runner Up: saiyan (-12)
T DZ-4v4-Bot> Winning Predictions (Freq 200): SiLeNT STaLKeR
  Something Dutch has 15 seconds to claim their captain spot.
  Something > !claim
  Something Dutch is the new captain for freq 100
  Something > !sub 100
       Nacre> ok
     Grifter> lol
    Parabola> wow
       nismo> !sub 100
      JOCKER> wtf
       Nacre> loloolol
     Grifter> hahaha
       Nacre> YOU FOOLS
       Nacre> WE ARE THE BEST
     Grifter> that was nice
       Nacre> god dammit im the best
     Cycl0ne> .sub 100
       Nacre> someone screenshot that
     Grifter> lol
       Nacre> and declare me the champ
       Nacre> .sub
      JOCKER> lol
    Parabola> that hurts
    Parabola> feels so dirty
  Something > crazy game
  Something > rdy
  Freq 100 is ready. Game will start when all teams are ready.
     Grifter> well
      JOCKER> they can have it
   Smackdown> usualy the winers get to dtay
   Smackdown> stay
     Grifter> !cap
       Nacre> the winners are staying
       Nacre> we were ahead
       Nacre> lol
     Grifter> lol
        Odin> gg
   Smackdown> oh lol
       nismo> epic fail of the day
       Nacre> that was legendary
  Starting in 10 seconds...

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  S33 R11 Schedule, R10 recap
Posted by: Caerbannog - 04-24-2013, 04:52 AM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - No Replies



Round 10 results:

4/21 3:59 pm    FTNguyen     def     Nuke    11-6    log

4/21 3:37 pm    Assassins     def     Rebels    12-7    log

4/21 3:30 pm    Llamas     def     Alpha Reunion    12-1    log

4/21 2:54 pm    Sterling     def     ReDS    11-5    log

4/21 2:43 pm    Requiem     def     StarFire Elite    12-5    log

4/21 2:29 pm    Gods     def     Unhallowed    12-2    log


FTNguyen vs. Nuke wasn't very intense. We had some squad practices before the game between the squads, so I think most people were kind of done with the match-up before the official practice was played. People were roflcoptering at deaths, even when the score is sort of close. There weren't that many WR in total, but people sort of exploded rather easily. Legacy racked up 9FR and 84k damage taken. At some point in time 7th was at 2k taken, Legacy at 12k.

Assassins finished Rebels in under 30 minutes. esidebob wasted 3 repels and was out after just 11:45. Rebels recently had two baddies jump ship to other squad(s) too. They have some work to do if they want to finish in the upper half of league, and thus the pro playoffs.

Alpha Reunion showed 3 players to their game vs. Llamas, which usually doesn't help much. There were some stats.

ReDS were actually holding their own vs. Sterling at least up to 2-2 at 16:20. Sterling got a few kills here and there, unanswered. At 37:18 and 6-2 ReDS had two people on their last lives, Pempu and Pog. ReDS then entered desparation mode, managing a few kills vs. the toyless? Sterling. The first out is actually only at 7-5 -> 8-5 at 43 minutes. A few more kills for Sterling and Pempu running the clock sealed the game.

SFE also started ok vs. Requiem. 2-2 at 13:13 isn't too bad. Then smurf went on a rampage picking up 2/1 with 4AS 7 FR. Candy whored up the kills.

And finally, Unhallowed showed 3 vs. Gods, who then beat them "12"-2.


Standings after R10:

1    FTNguyen    9-1    77    0.506

2    Requiem    9-1    61    0.526

3    Nuke    7-3    51    0.505

4    Sterling    7-1    24    0.605

5    Assassins    6-4    38    0.497

6    Llamas    6-4    20    0.483

7    Rebels    6-4    20    0.5

8    Gods    3-7    -29    0.506

9    Alpha Reunion    3-7    -58    0.511

10    Unhallowed    2-8    -30    0.504

11    ReDS    1-1    4    0.567

12    StarFire Elite    1-9    -63    0.486

13    BYE Round    0-2    -24    0.428

14    Shocktech    0-8    -91    0.517


Schedule for round 11:


FTNguyen vs. Llamas -- 114954

Rebels vs. Unhallowed -- 114955

Alpha Reunion vs. Requiem -- 114956


Sterling vs. StarFire Elite -- 114957

Assassins vs. Nuke -- 114958

Gods vs. ReDS -- 114959

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  When is this active?
Posted by: Soul Preacher - 04-23-2013, 11:07 PM - Forum: A Small WarZone - Replies (6)

My name is Ron, I was Soul Preacher for about 10 years playing Choas, Premier League, Powerball, Hockey, and A Small Warzone.   I played on Prestige and won acouple titles back in the day with my good friend Dantos.   


I was wondering when you guys play this? I would love to join you.   I miss Subspace alot, if it was active I would quit every other game and just play it like I used.   


Let me know.

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  The Newb Effort
Posted by: hallucination - 04-19-2013, 12:48 AM - Forum: Chaos Discussion - Replies (8)

This is a post I wrote over a year ago for the other zone sysops when I thought there was a good chance at uniting them to try and create a place that we could help retain new players. None of the zones do that now - TW used to in the early 2000s. Unfortunately, the major sysops couldn't agree on how it was going to be run, and the effort didn't happen (yet).

The post was reposted by Red_X on the TW forums a while back, so it's been public, but I thought I would repost it here for anyone to see and reference. It is long - I did not write it as a PR effort, but as a full throttle backgrounder for what I think is needed to get new players to stay in the game. To me, the effort is not dead. There are still many possibilities to start retaining newbs again.



The Newb Effort

To reverse the trend of the downward spiraling Subspace population, we must create a situation where new players can immediately have FUN and want to discover the depth of our classic and beloved game. How can we do this?

I. Declining Population

Subspace has been losing population for several years now instead of growing. Why?

Failure to retain new players. We get many new players coming in every day but almost none of them stay. Why?

ALL zones are now inhabited exclusively by multi-year vets, so a newb (meaning a *actual* brand new player) goes 1-10 (over and over), and as any sane human would, leaves. Did this always happen? Why is it different than in years past?

Yes. There is no "newb" zone now. In the beginning, everyone was a newb. Alpha was an _enforced by points_ newb zone. Chaos was enforced by points intermediate zone. Later, TW was the newb zone from about 2000-2005-ish, when it had a population of about 600. Since then, TW has gradually transitioned to what I call a "mature club." This is a common pattern -- I've seen it happen in more than one sports club irl. Chaos has been a "mature club" for many years now.

Why do we lose close to 100% of newbs? The problem stems from a lack of separation of skill levels. Once players are 3 skill levels apart in playing ability, NEITHER player will have fun (unless they are in a noncompetitive, teacher-student relationship). These two players in a situation that is supposed to be competitive, the lower player loses constantly (and doesn't really understand why; not enough experience/knowledge), and the upper player wins easily; too easily. In a "mature club" the new player is driven out, and the older, veteran players stay. The vets say they want new players, but their (understandable/rational) behavior drives them away. In the longer run, the vets will sporadically leave also, creating a slowly spiraling downward population where the club slowly dies, or asymtotes down to some static, low activity level. This is where we find ourselves with SS today.

And this is why I say advertising won't help us atm. Any new players coming in will go into the existing zones and die repeatedly to vets and leave. Some vets even relish killing the newbs over and over and driving them out. Before we start to advertise in earnest, we need a place for newbs to go and have fun.

II. Retaining New Players

How can we retain these new players? And when I say new players, I mean *brand* new. If the person has been there a week and/or is playing regularly, they are not new; they are intermediate; they are already captured. We need to focus only on the actual new players; capturing them, and getting them to the point where they can start to compete in the easiest arenas.

In any video game, you get about 1-5 minutes to capture a player. Usually within 1 minute the player is either having fun, or wants to leave.

I've tried a number of things to get players to stick it out in Chaos until they are competitive (which is approx 2-3 months of daily play; 1 month for the exceptionally talented - historically Chaos only gets players who 'graduate' from other zones). I've tried spending hours with a new player over a series of days, showing them the skills, getting them to understand energy management, etc. Doesn't work. I can get a very few to stick around for a week or three, but that's it. Most still leave within 5 mins after dying a few times.

I've thought extensively about a handicapping system for chaos/svs. I have some very interesting/cool ideas, but every handicapping system I've seen irl has sucked and can be gamed -- and I think we have even more challenges making one work within an anonymous video game. My handicapping system is more suited to a new zone, not to a legacy SVS zone.

Several of the zones already have a "newb arena" of one sort or another. All failures... This is not an easy thing to 'get right' -- a newb does not want to read text, or just fly aimlessly around. They want to get in and play, understand what's going on, and feel in control.

The only thing I've seen work is for a new player to be brought in by a friend who holds their hand for those dozens of playing hours while they learn. But that is extremely rare. I tried to revive this team oriented behavior by recreating squad stats and Reset Winners in Chaos hoping that would spur squad leaders and members to recruit and train people. Hasn't happened in 1.5 yrs -- not nearly enough anyway.

The solution is for the club operators (the sysops) to enforce a separation of skill levels -- at first at least. Allow the vet players to be teachers if they want (most don't, really). How can we do this?

We need an Alpha again. A zone/arena where newbs are _forced_ to go at first, so they can:
1) play other similarly skilled newbs (only!)
2) get training from helpful vets
3) have fun, feel powerful and in control immediately!

III. Why Do Newbs Stay?

What do newbs want when they come in?

1) They want to have FUN, feel in control, and ideally, powerful
2) They want to understand the basics of what's going on; it's ok to die if they understand why it happened
3) They want to "win" which usually means "kill someone" early on. If they can't win, they should feel like they could if they play a little better -- AND they understand what the 'little better' means.

IV. How to Give Newbs this Fun

How can we supply this?

Side note: Vets understandably don't recall what it's like when they first entered the game. It is absolutely overwhelming for newbs -- explosions, the chat, walls, bombs, ships flying around, the spam, the bewildering array of icons and controls.... What's important?!?!? Energy? wtf is that? 90% of the time, newbs won't talk to me _at all_ which is mostly because they don't even realize someone is trying to talk to them -- what is green text anyway?!?!?

We need to make sure that only a minimal set of 'important stuff' (aka the stuff they want to do) is assailing the newb when they first come in. A relatively empty/quiet arena is an advantage here.

There are a number of ways to go here, and we need user testing (I'm big on actual data, not what ppl imagine new players will do) to see what works best. One way is to have a series of arenas with tasks to help the newb learn the minimal basic skill set. Another way is to have it all within one arena (can it be separated sufficiently?) We'll need to do some creative thinking and testing here to find what works for most newbs. Again, actual interaction/play is CRITICAL. Reading or listening to a vet describe what to do is not good enough. They need to start 'doing stuff' right away (#1 2 and 3 above).

V. SS Skill Set

What is the minimum SS skill set?

Here is a task analysis of the ss skill set. Please comment about it -- I'm sure it can be improved.

1) Where am I? Identify your own ship. Put all newbs in the wb at first
2) How to fly? Arrow keys
3) How to start to control flight? Pick up greens or flags or fly through openings.
--this marks the first minute -- newb should have picked stuff up within the first minute

4) What is a wall? What happens when I hit it? e.g. Navigate some passage.
--some players will be happy to fly around and get a feel for controls at this point. But many will not. They will want to start to try and kill stuff.

5) How do I shoot? ctrl to fire bullets; tab for bombs;
--now a player could go against another new player, or a bot, or a sacrificial lamb of some sort.

6) Why did I die? The concept of energy management.
--here is a critical juncture in the learning process. In one shot kill zones, the answer is obvious because the game design has been simplified. In the more advanced zones, where it takes concerted dmg to kill someone, it is not so obvious, but completely critical. The answer is actually the same -- your energy went below 0.

I've had some success training newbs in this by giving them energy view in a dueling box. Then having them shoot and watch their energy go down. Then close bomb a wall and see what happens to their energy (critical for zones with prox bombs). Then shoot another player and watch their energy go down until they die.

I'd like to give newbs energy view at this point, but we have to make sure that wiley vets can't abuse this to get energy view in a 'real' arena inside the hosting zone.

7) How do I kill? Energy management again.
--If we deal with #5 well, this is a non-factor -- they already know the answer. At this point conveying to them that vets are _very_ good at this, is important. This helps the newb understand why they died but the vet did not.

At this point, the newb is fully ready for combat against similarly skilled players. They may wish to return to the basics to figure things out further; ask questions of the vet/teachers. Have them do many duels now.

Side note: We want the vet/teachers to have prestige; certainly within the newb arena, but also within SS. Other vets should be thanking them for their time. Maybe giving them the title of Sensei? Ideas here? :)

8) How to repel? shift ctrl
--this is the most powerful, and powerful-feeling toy going.

Now, we're post Newb.1, and into Newb.2 - if they are still around, they are having some fun and can be captured as long as they're not dumped into the 'deep end of the pool' for a while.

9) What is the square in the lower right? Radar.
--how to get the bigger picture. At this point the question of screen resolution comes up. The Sensei should help them get the best resolution (bigger is better in general).

10) How to attach/turret? F7
--this is a critical thing to learn early. It gives the newb a sense of team, and can help a new player learn how to aim and shoot, and conserve energy without worrying about flying.

That is the minimal set. Now I'll list the remainder of abilities/toys in approximate order of importance (def needs improvement):

11) Thors

12) Rockets -- powerful!

13) Bursts

14) Portals

15) Antiwarp

16) Greening -- maybe this should come earlier.

17) ?status -- relate it back to greening

18) Cloaking

19) Xradar

20) Bricks

21) Bouncing Bullets

22) Prox

23) Flags -- remember that newbs won't be up to flagging for a while, so this can come later.

24) Bounty

25) Decoys

26) Concept of bomb and bullet levels

27) Balls and passing; Goal scoring.

That about covers the entirety of SVS sans bot cmds. I am not trying to address in-game tactics (yet).

VI. How do the Newbs get to the Right Place?

How can we get the newbs to the Newb-Only arena?

Every zone will need a bot to identify new players, and quickly (~5-10 seconds) *sendto them to the newb arena.

How does the bot NOT send vet players there?

Several things can be done to not send vets there:
1) If the nick has never been seen before by the bot (or is marked as a Newb in the DB), they might be a new player.
2) The bot will have a command: !vet which will prevent the bot from sending the new player, and permanently mark that name as a vet. Vets will learn this command very quickly.
3) If the player does a ?go quickly, they must be a vet -- mark them as such.
4) If the nick has >50 hrs usage, they are a vet.
5) If the player belongs to a squad, they are a vet.

#2 above is the ultimate fall back for vets to not be bothered.

What happens if a vet goes to the Newb-Only arena? A bot there should do similar tests to those above to prevent malicious vets from chasing off newbs. If a player comes in, and immediately starts fighting and killing the other newbs, they are a vet. Spec them. The Sensei's should be able to ID vets from their play and *spec them and such.

VII. Newb Arena Staffing and Location

All SS zones should try to provide Sensei's to staff the newb-only arena. We do not want this to be a single zone effort. I view this as an SS-wide effort that can help us all. I do not want to own this, or be in sole charge of it. I will do what I can to help get it off the ground, but I think it absolutely needs a person completely dedicated to this effort (which I cannot do -- I have too many other irons in the fire).

It makes the most sense to me to house this inside TW. I understand some people's reluctance to do that, but TW is under new management, and I think is more open minded about the health of the game in general. To me, if I see 600 ppl in TW again, I'm going to be seeing 100+ in Chaos again too. I don't want people having a zero-sum mindset about this effort (i.e. your zone gains a player, means my zone loses a player -- a negative and false way to view most of the world's systems). We must all agree and be sure that it is not just a training area for TW play alone. If we can all get hooked up on the arena sharing system, then it doesn't really matter where the newb-only zone is hosted. All active arenas will be easily, and equally accessible.

VIII. Promotion and Advertising

Once we have the newb-only arena up and going and having some success, we can start to advertise and have it make a difference -- the new players that come in will have a much greater likelihood of having fun and sticking around.

I see this being the precursor, and also dovetailing with the SSBR effort, which is one version of the PR side to revive the game.

IX. Conclusion

Ok that is the core of the idea. I'm sure there are many improvements and refinements we can make. Perhaps some of this unworkable. I've probably forgotten some major items.

My sole concern is to get more ppl playing this great game in all its myriad forms. Thanks for participating. Open for comments!!!


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  S33 R10 Schedule, R9 Recap
Posted by: Caerbannog - 04-16-2013, 04:56 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (1)

Standings after Round 9:

1    FTNguyen    8-1    72    0.483

2    Requiem    8-1    54    0.555

3    Nuke    7-2    56    0.474

4    Rebels    6-3    25    0.488

5    Sterling    6-1    18    0.605

6    Assassins    5-4    33    0.473

7    Llamas    5-4    9    0.49

8    Alpha Reunion    3-6    -47    0.509

9    Unhallowed    2-7    -20    0.515

10    Gods    2-7    -39    0.528

11    ReDS    1-0    10    0.422

12    StarFire Elite    1-8    -56    0.446

13    BYE Round    0-2    -24    0.423

14    Shocktech    0-8    -91    0.514

Round 9 Results:

4/14 4:10 pm    Requiem     def     Assassins    8-6    log

4/14 3:59 pm    Llamas     def     Gods    12-2    log

4/14 3:48 pm    ReDS     def     Alpha Reunion    12-2    log

4/14 3:10 pm    FTNguyen     def     Sterling    8-7    log

4/14 2:50 pm    Unhallowed     def     StarFire Elite    12-5    log

4/14 2:34 pm    Nuke     def     Rebels    12-2    log


This time I'll be schedule first, recap later. But all the games were bad and mostly uninteresting :p

That late recap..


Requiem vs. Assassins was a slow paced game, like most of Requiem's games seem to be. Assassins made more errors and exploded more frequently. Three statwhored his way to 5-1 and 4 FR. 8-6 Requiem.

Llamas picked up a 12-2 win vs. Gods' leviathans. Yes. They had at least two in at one time. Weezie was a leviathan for all three lives. Every other god ship changed at least once during the game.

ReDS beat Alpha Reunion 12-2. The stats or log don't give much insight as to what happened besides THC probably playing way over aggressive (first out, 5 fr) and Hendrix's bot skills

Hendrix> !setlagout greg

FTNguyen vs. Sterling was also painfully slow. Freebies were once again granted, kind of both ways. We tried to go for the traditional 0-2 lead for the enemy, but ended up overdoing it for 1-4. Got it back to 4-4 between 22:13 and 23:40. By 32:29 and 6-6 FTNguyen would have 3 people at 2 deaths, TVB with none. Sterling at this time had two people at 2, two at 1. Eventually the game goes to overtime at a 7-7 score and TVB on a toyed up ship. I reckon we had the advantage on toys besides just TVB.

Unhallowed beat SFE in a rather regular looking 12-5 fashion. Nadai onyly bothered to repel twice. SFE on the other hand only wasted 2 repels total.

Rebels didn't seem to put up much of a fight vs. Nuke's stack of baddies. 12-2 in a game where Dagger was dead twice in under 6 minutes isn't exactly the most convinving loss. Even my good friend Seriel Killer failer to serially kill people. In fact he failed to land a single bullet Smile

Round 10 Schedule:

Gods vs. Unhallowed -- 114581

Sterling vs. ReDS -- 114582

Requiem vs. StarFire Elite -- 114583


Alpha Reunion vs. Llamas -- 114584

Assassins vs. Rebels -- 114585

FTNguyen vs. Nuke -- 114586

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  are rosters locked?
Posted by: Odin - 04-15-2013, 06:28 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (6)

Yesterday Barbarian played for Rebels, on the same day he was added to the FTN roster. I'm asking because I thought rostered players were locked to their team and only new unrostered players could be added.

Then again new teams are coming in...

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  How is Caerbannog doing as sysop?
Posted by: sasquatch - 04-10-2013, 04:08 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (7)

Let's hear it.

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  S33 R9 Schedule, R8 Recap
Posted by: Caerbannog - 04-08-2013, 09:09 AM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (16)

Standings after R8:

1    FTNguyen    7-1    71    0.455

2    Requiem    7-1    52    0.552

3    Nuke    6-2    46    0.453

4    Rebels    6-2    35    0.464

5    Sterling    6-0    19    0.579

6    Assassins    5-3    35    0.435

7    Llamas    4-4    -1    0.511

8    Alpha Reunion    3-5    -37    0.519

9    Gods    2-6    -29    0.541

10    Unhallowed    1-7    -27    0.548

11    StarFire Elite    1-7    -49    0.468

12    BYE Round    0-2    -24    0.456

13    Shocktech    0-8    -91    0.503

ReDS ?! will be replacing Shocktech, who reached the max no-show limit of two in a row.

Round 8 Results:

4/7 3:59 pm    Requiem     def     FTNguyen    8-6    log

4/7 3:38 pm    Rebels     def     Alpha Reunion    12-3    log

4/7 3:30 pm    Assassins     def     StarFire Elite    12-0    log

4/7 2:59 pm    Sterling     def     Llamas    6-3    log

4/7 2:43 pm    Nuke     def     Gods    12-6    log

4/7 2:14 pm    Unhallowed     def     Shocktech    12-0    log

Requiem beat FTNguyen 8-6 in a game that looked like a usual boring backlob fun time by Requiem, while our asians tried to do something. Mostly they took advantage of various slow lobs by dodging them in uselessly stylish ways. Seriously, they were zigzagging between bombs at full energy for no apparent reason Smile Apparently somewhere after 27:32 but before 34 something some of our players are a few bombs to keep them from hitting a low life player, which made BizzahBobby need a new pair of trousers. Requiem had a 2-0 lead, then the game was 3-3 for a while. Then magically between 34:52 and 37:42 Requiem had a 3 kill lead, while doing nothing but waiting for someone to run into their bombs and for Sika to lag some kills. Which he did later. The 5-3 and 6-3 kills were just a few bullets and a bomb and a few bullets and a thor for KN and krellin (it was his first day). Here's the finishing chapter

KinGNewbiE kb Sika

KinGNewbiE is OUT! - [44:37]

Score: 8-5 Requiem -- [4v3]

Sika kb The Village Bike -- Assist by: krellin

Sika has 1 life remaining - [44:37]

Score: 8-6 Requiem -- [4v4]

       Brave> ROFL

     krellin> kn no

         Jae> WOW SIKA

   BARBARIAN> dat zeroskill lag

       Brave> That should be bannable Smile

     krellin> no

         Dre> kn hoping his team would do something sooner but could not

      Captor> sika huge mvp

         Jae> lol

 Street Figh> what lag?

  Caerbannog> Reqiuem isn't a joke at all.

    Jamuraan> lagshield on

         7th> !items

Yeah. Well played. Lul. Regardless of rather sloppy play, we only had 2 WR total which is good.

Rebels vs. Alpha Reunion I heard no tasty rumors about, so I'll just take what the log has in it for a facT:

   BARBARIAN> no clue wtf happened

    mindrape> his butt plug popped out momentarily causing him to accidentally mash his keyboard

Seems legit to me. In the end VT is 5-1 again with 6 FR while the other rebels try to keep up.

StarFire Elite seems to have been shut down pretty efficiently by Assassins, the game ending 12-0 in 17:09. 16 FR for Sins.. still 9 WR on SFE.

Sterling vs. Llamas was a rather odd game. Odin flew a leviathan, which quite didn't work out. A few freebies were apparently given out (secret Nguyen tactic), but it didn't work out either. A ton of people in the spec were talking about everything but the game, besides trying to guess the first person to die.

Nuke also had to face the wrath of a leviathan vs. Gods. 10 WR on the side of Gods probably did not help them out too much. Apart from that, I didn't see the game and all I was told about it was that the blue bombs were exploding and pissing off Nuke, while Saiyan got Gods "pretty good".

And Unhallowed picked up +12 from Shocktech.



Apart from the games, other interesting things this week... the oh-my-gosh so dramatic bans.

Seriously. It isn't that hard to not be a total douchebag in pracs. Practices _still_ make up the majority of all SubSpace games, so enforcing rules just for the games that are the most controlled is stupid. Hence bans for pracs.

I refuse to believe I'm the only one who remembers the fun times of people randomly starting to SC to end pracs faster or get back the toys they previously lost on lag outs, causing other people to SC, etc.

Like, totally. It's not very hard to just let the bot handle most of these things. Yes. Get yourself a fresh ship if you "tablag" at the beginning of a prac and it burns you. Don't try to pull this mid-prac.

Most of the douchebaggery just leads to people not wanting to play, since nothing will make sense anyways. Pracs have been in a rather good place recently, don't kill the buzz.

While it might be super cool to totally rebel against... me? It kind of is a huge finger to whoever you're practicing with. I, on the other hand, don't give a rat's ass.



Schedule for Round 9:


FTNguyen vs. Sterling -- 114613

Nuke vs. Rebels -- 114164

StarFire Elite vs. Unhallowed -- 114165


Assassins vs. Requiem -- 114166

Alpha Reunion vs. ReDS -- 114167

Llamas vs. Gods -- 113168

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