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  roster to replace shock
Posted by: NuB KiNG - 04-07-2013, 10:12 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (3)

ReDS is the roster to replace shocktech and the players have been added there !roster Reds

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  Rage is banned for five (5) days.
Posted by: Caerbannog - 04-05-2013, 04:35 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (33)

Since he figured out he'd just go ahead and sub himself.




It's a bit late since that game was played a while ago. But still.

And Requiem please, if you're going to report cheaters to me, stop using "fullsub" in pracs. Thanks.

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  Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm 2v2
Posted by: Three - 04-03-2013, 07:45 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (1)



The SC2 expansion came out three weeks ago and I'm looking to get back into playing a bit. Specifically, arranged team 2v2. I was Diamond years ago with minimal play on the ladder and had a shitty comp.


Let me know here or in game. Preferably someone living in the Pacific Time zone.



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  Fantasy baseball league
Posted by: ImDigs - 04-02-2013, 06:00 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (2)

After a couple of successful hockey and football fantasy leagues, a few of us are looking to give fantasy baseball a whirl.  Ra, kentasaurus, and myself are all new when it comes to fantasy baseball, and it's simply something we'd like to try.  None of us are baseball fanatics, and I haven't been in a fantasy baseball league in about 25 years.  Needless to say, this league isn't going to be highly competitive or demand an extensive amount of insider baseball information to be enjoyable.


All I ask is that managers are active.  I understand that the season is quite long so times will undoubtedly come up when you cannot be active (summer vacations, work schedules, holidays, etc).  However, I don't want people that will show up to the draft then go afk for the season if they don't like their team.


The league is set up for 10 teams, but that is subject to change based on the level of interest.  Three of those spots are accounted for, so seven managers are needed - I hope that a couple more from the hockey league will join so that reduces the amount of slots to be filled.  The draft is scheduled for April 20th at 5:30pm Eastern time.  Again, all settings can be changed - including statistical catagories, roster size, draft date/time, etc.


If you are interested, please reply letting me know.  If you have any questions, here is the place to ask.  I'll give more information regarding the league tonight when I get home tonight.


For those of you that need no details and are simply interested in joining, shoot me a PM with your email address and I'll give you the link to sign up.



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  Zone down - coming back soon
Posted by: passplay - 03-29-2013, 01:40 PM - Forum: Chaos Discussion - Replies (1)

Rumor has it Starscream is claming this to be his best suicide ever 

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  S33 R8 Schedule, R7 Recap
Posted by: Caerbannog - 03-26-2013, 03:29 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (4)

Results from 2 weeks ago:

3/24 3:49 pm    Requiem     def     Gods    12-4    log

3/24 3:43 pm    Rebels     def     StarFire Elite    12-6    log

3/24 3:39 pm    FTNguyen     def     Assassins    12-2    log

3/24 3:03 pm    Llamas     def     Unhallowed    5-4    log

3/24 2:36 pm    Sterling     def     Alpha Reunion    12-2    log

3/24 2:14 pm    Nuke     def     Shocktech    12-0    log

Gods were up 2-1 vs. Requiem.. and then something went horribly wrong. Ozn got most of the stats, finishing 5-1 4FR.

Like Gods, SFE was up 2-1. Then 3-2. Then 5-3 vs. Rebels. Then they redefine things going wrong and end up only getting one more kill past this point. Meanwhile Eric Clapton has 3 kills by this point and a whopping 8 at the end. And 9 FR.

Since I've manipulated the schedule to the liking of my vietnamese overlords, Nguyens kept on the stat-padding roll and got +10 K/D out of Assassins. Cause you know, I don't have anything to do besides prepare everything in advance to skew the scales in our favor. The next time we play, Mop and Develop can't even show up. I already know this. Furtermore this would never happen, had we not had an Easter break. True story.

On a more serious note, Assassins had some of their b-line in, while we don't actually have a b-line. We seem to have 7 people.

Llamas vs. Unhallowed was a thrilling game. Not very fast, but well played. The log is worth a read for a few chuckles. Like the same people who one week cry about damage done / taken trying to argue Nadai not getting anything done. It's all logical.

Sterling finally unleashed their top line-up with SuperDan and ishy4life in vs. Alpha Reunion.

And Shocktech no-showed, and are out of the league if they miss next week, or 2 more games during the season. Apparently we might get !norating to replace them.

Standings R7/22?

1    FTNguyen    7-0    73    0.417

2    Requiem    6-1    50    0.512

3    Nuke    5-2    40    0.462

4    Rebels    5-2    26    0.485

5    Sterling    5-0    16    0.57

6    Assassins    4-3    23    0.476

7    Llamas    4-3    2    0.458

8    Alpha Reunion    3-4    -28    0.501

9    Gods    2-5    -23    0.531

10    StarFire Elite    1-6    -37    0.477

11    BYE Round    0-2    -24    0.453

12    Unhallowed    0-7    -39    0.603

13    Shocktech    0-7    -79    0.545

Schedule for R8 April 7th - Europe is back on par with the whole clocks moving every which way thing:


Llamas vs. Sterling -- 113800

Nuke vs. Gods-- 113801

Unhallowed vs. Shocktech?-- 113802


Alpha Reunion vs. Rebels-- 113803

Assassins vs. StarFire Elite-- 113804

FTNguyen vs. Requiem-- 113805

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  !norating replace shocktech?
Posted by: NuB KiNG - 03-24-2013, 10:46 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (12)

seeing as shocktech is like not showing any interest to the gamer and missing matches.. can me and my buddies enter !norating into league?

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  S33 Last Rounds
Posted by: 7th - 03-24-2013, 04:54 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (2)

I think instead of having every team face each other twice have them all face each other once and then split 6 teams to pro and 6 to aml. Then we can have the 6 pro teams play each other once more and the aml teams likewise. This would make that season a little shorter. Instead of 22 weeks + playoffs it'd be 16 weeks + playoffs.


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  S33 R7 Schedule, R6 Recap
Posted by: Caerbannog - 03-18-2013, 12:38 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (3)

Standings after Round 6:

1    FTNguyen    6-0    63    0.403

2    Requiem    5-1    42    0.525

3    Assassins    4-2    33    0.427

4    Nuke    4-2    28    0.512

5    Rebels    4-2    20    0.519

6    Sterling    4-0    6    0.606

7    Llamas    3-3    1    0.494

8    Alpha Reunion    3-3    -18    0.47

9    Gods    2-4    -15    0.5

10    StarFire Elite    1-5    -31    0.45

11    BYE Round    0-2    -24    0.446

12    Unhallowed    0-6    -38    0.629

13    Shocktech    0-6    -67    0.525

Round 6 Results:

3/17 4:07 pm    Llamas     def     Assassins    7-6    log

3/17 3:32 pm    Nuke     def     Unhallowed    12-1    log

3/17 3:26 pm    FTNguyen     def     Alpha Reunion    12-1    log

3/17 2:59 pm    Sterling     def     Requiem    5-3    log

3/17 2:45 pm    Gods     def     StarFire Elite    12-6    log

3/17 2:23 pm    Rebels     def     Shocktech    12-1    log

I'll handle the uninteresting stuff first...

Nuke vs. Unhallowed didn't take long. As I tried to explain to some people last week, Unhallowed's performance really depends a lot on who shows up and feels like playing. By 6:32, Suspension had died twice with 4 WR. That's pretty much game. Cycl0ne, who jumped ship from Llamas, managed the only kill for Unhallowed.

Alpha Reunion, like Unhallowed, didn't seem to bring their A-game. Weasal lagged out three times and was replaced by THC. DarkDenizen increased his lead over 7th in league rating by releasing a decoy in 7th's direction, making 7th think it would hit a bomb, which then killed 7th. Bad. And yes, since our schedule is kind of strange, we're trying to at least have some level of fake-fun by "competing" in ranking until our real games start. I'm bringing this up, cause some smartypants wearing people actually seem to think we're trying to use these stats for any sort of proof for anything. Lawl.

Sterling had another close one, this time with Requiem. The game was 0-1 for what seemed like a good while. Turns out it was 16:15 for 0-1 and 27:25 for 0-2 in favor of Sterling. Sika then did his best to bring requiem back, but I think three was 0/0 at this point and Sterling wouldn't give him toys. A couple of kills later at 43:58 it looks like Sterling might win this 4-2... and then this all happens:

Sika kb mAImER -- Assist by: Rage

Sika has 2 lives remaining - [43:58]

Score: 4-2 Sterling -- [4v4]

      Plarep> LOL

NOTICE: 1 minute remaining.

         7th> lol

         7th> haha

Sika changes ships.

      Plarep> sika lured

      Captor> 50 secs

 Psycho Psem> maimer all day as i said

     Seismic> .items

     develop> sika has toys

       Three> !items

          Ra> plare

         Dre> all rkts on 9v

      Plarep> ra

          Ra> what games have you been playing lately

9-Volt kb Sika -- Assist by: Ozn

9-Volt has 2 lives remaining - [44:20]

Score: 4-3 Sterling -- [4v4]

         Dre> ahhaa

 Something D> haha

      Legacy> haha

     develop> lol

 Something D> nice

         7th> haha

 Caerbannog+> 39 seconds to spare

The game went into OT, remained slow (apart from that Sika bomb->f3->bombs and bullets->closethor bit) and sika eventually exploded. The game log actually has a few lines suggesting people were watching the game and commenting on it. Strange, really.

Gods vs. SFE started out quite even. Even enough to still be 4v4 at 6-6 score by 27:34. Both teams also had two people on their last life at this point. And then SFE gets no kills. They just kind of keep doing this :/

Shocktech got a kill vs. Rebels. And it was 4v4 to make it 1-0 -> 1-1 ! I would talk about the stats if they were funny, but Savage's 4-0 with 7FR is the best here so bleh.

The most interesting game this past weekend was Llamas vs. Assassins by a mile.

Llamas eventually won the game 7-6 after 11 minutes of overtime. To add to the drama, a rogue bot auto-called the game to start in another arena. Looks like the stats are ok, though. Assassins started the game 2-0, so good so far. And then varsity goes and dies twice. I didn't see it, but rumor has it he just kind of suicided. Assassins then pressure Llamas up to 6-3, getting two of them last life. And then varsity dies for the last time. The score is still a winning one for Assassins at 6-4, but only 32:03 into the game there's plenty to go. Llamas then got ossi twice to even it out, then my good friend Jae in the overtime for the win. It was well played by Llamas, and not that well by varsity.


Schedule will appear here faster than a wild rattata in the first grassy areas once I get around to creating it. Looks like no hard game for Nguyens yet, since we'll just statpad on Assassins. Ho ho ho. Dems b fighting words (KN, Kril, fight this battle for me)

Schedule for Round 7:


Llamas vs. Unhallowed -- 112982

Nuke vs. Shocktech --112983

Alpha Reunion vs. Sterling -- 112984


Assassins vs. FTNguyen -- 112985

Rebels vs. StarFire Elite -- 112986

Gods vs. Requiem -- 112987

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  S33 R6 Schedule, R5 Recap
Posted by: Caerbannog - 03-11-2013, 02:41 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (18)

Standings after Round 5:

1    FTNguyen    5-0    52    0.377

2    Requiem    5-0    44    0.478

3    Assassins    4-1    34    0.421

4    Nuke    3-2    17    0.589

5    Rebels    3-2    9    0.569

6    Sterling    3-0    4    0.593

7    Alpha Reunion    3-2    -7    0.427

8    Llamas    2-3    0    0.482

9    Gods    1-4    -21    0.556

10    StarFire Elite    1-4    -25    0.453

11    BYE Round    0-2    -24    0.382

12    Unhallowed    0-5    -27    0.678

13    Shocktech    0-5    -56    0.526

Results R5/22:

3/10 3:56 pm    Requiem     def     Shocktech    12-0    log

3/10 3:54 pm    Sterling     def     Unhallowed    5-3    log

3/10 3:53 pm    Nuke     def     Llamas    12-5    log

3/10 2:43 pm    FTNguyen     def     Rebels    12-3    log

3/10 2:39 pm    Assassins     def     Gods    12-4    log

3/10 2:30 pm    Alpha Reunion     def     StarFire Elite    12-4    log

Requiem and Shocktech never actually played. Shocktech had 2 players when their game was due, Requiem wanted to postpone the game to what it would've been without all the clock-sorcery. Turns out that was a worse situation for Shocktech.

Sterling took their time defeating Unhallowed. The game was 2-1 until 34:57, even with all of Rage's offense amirite. Well, something like this is to be expected from Unhallowed. With the random chances of their players showing up, they will have a decent, warmed up line-up every now and then. Or Sterling just played bad. Or one squad is much worse than they are given credit for, or the other one is much better. The spec chat doesn't really provide us with more clues either.

Llamas gave Nuke too big of a lead early on in their game, and wasted too many repels. 0-4 by 17:28, then 5-7 at 38:22 with Llamas finding their game and/or Nuke getting frustrated and reckless. Carefully studying the spec loc we can deduce the following; Nacre is super proud of his 4-2 5as 6fr 81k/57k 51% AccB statistics. Saiyan's stats are far better at 4-0 5FR, 93k/72k. See, he did not die twice for extra toys, which make a huge difference. Also if you read between the lines, it's easy to see Travis is stupid.

FTNguyen vs. Rebels was super silly. It looked slightly worse than an average prac on a Tuesday evening with Partsi and MOOOOSE in the game. Repels were wasted and random suicides were performed. Eventually KN had seen enough, subbed in for his season debut and killed esidebob out at 19:54. Summarized I'd say it was a bunch of bad jerks. (you might have to be a part of the secret SS skype group to get this, or not)

Didn't see Gods vs. Assassins. Can't comment on the flow of the game. 27:50, decent length. FRs both ways, seems legit. BE managed 5 FR and 3 assists on 4 kills for Gods.

Joe Jr. seems to have picked up all of the four kills SFE got vs. Alpha Reunion, which is basically !norating in disguise.


Schedule -- Note the +1 hour thingy, euros.


Rebels vs. Shocktech -- 112533

Gods vs. StarFire Elite -- 11257

Requiem vs. Sterling -- 112538


Alpha Reunion vs. FTNguyen -- 112536

Assassins vs. Llamas -- 112539

Nuke vs. Unhallowed -- 112540

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